Peter Sellers

Peter Sellers
(as Dr. Fritz Fassbender)

Dr. Fritz Fassbender: My darling! Your face is like the pale autumn moon!

Peter Sellers

Peter Sellers
(as Dr. Fritz Fassbender)

Dr. Fritz Fassbender: My father, the most beloved gynecologist in Vienna, before they took him away on a morals charge for indecent exposure at the State Opera House, said, and I quote: "Please do not take me away, I will not do it again."
Victor Skakapopulis: Brilliant quote.
Dr. Fritz Fassbender: He was a brilliant pervert.

Peter Sellers

Peter Sellers
(as Dr. Fritz Fassbender)

Dr. Fritz Fassbender: My wife, the creature that ate Europe, is here.

Peter Sellers

Peter Sellers
(as Dr. Fritz Fassbender)

Dr. Fritz Fassbender: Silence when you're shouting at me!

Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole
(as Michael James)

Dr. Fritz Fassbender: When did all this come to an end?
Michael James: It didn't come to an end! That's the point.

Peter Sellers

Peter Sellers
(as Dr. Fritz Fassbender)

Dr. Fritz Fassbender: You are a monster and a monster, in that order.

Peter Sellers

Peter Sellers
(as Dr. Fritz Fassbender)

Dr. Fritz Fassbender: You'll like this group analysis, it's a real freak show. If it gets dull, we sing songs.

Peter Sellers

Peter Sellers
(as Dr. Fritz Fassbender)

Dr. Fritz Fassbender: You're grotesque!
Anna Fassbender: Lascivious adulterer!
Dr. Fritz Fassbender: Don't you dare call me that again until I have looked it up!

Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole
(as Michael James)

Miss Marks: Oh, Michael, this can't work, I'm 34 and you're 12!
Michael James: Don't be negative.

Peter Sellers

Peter Sellers
(as Dr. Fritz Fassbender)

Mayor's clerk: I can't spell Sigismund.
Dr. Fritz Fassbender: I think that you have a little sexual block over the spelling of that naughty name. Allow me to help you, I'm a psychoanalyst, among other things.

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