Matches in people

S. Sylvan Simon S. Sylvan Simon Born on Mar 9, 1910 in Chicago (IL), died May 17, 1951 in Beverly Hills (CA)

Simon Oakland Simon Oakland Born on Aug 28, 1915 in New York City (NY), died Aug 29, 1983 in Cathedral City (CA)

Edgar Selwyn Edgar Selwyn Born on Oct 20, 1875 in Cincinnati (OH), died Feb 13, 1944 in Los Angeles (CA)

Simone Simon Simone Simon Born on Apr 23, 1910 in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), died Feb 22, 2005 in Paris (France)

Matches in movies

The Raven The Raven (1935)

The Black Raven The Black Raven (1943)

Chronicle of the Raven Chronicle of the Raven (2004)

Simon and Laura Simon and Laura (1955)

Mirror, Mirror 2: Raven Dance Mirror, Mirror 2: Raven Dance (1994)