War Babies

War Babies

Captain Flagg: Howd'ya like my baby? C'mere, nice gal, I got a present for ya!
Charmaine: Oui, mon cher?

--Shirley Temple (as ) in War Babies



Children's Band Member: It's the Professor. He's picked a pocket again.
Dimples: You take that back! You can't "inflect" on my grandfather like that! Take it back!
Children's Band Member: All right.
Dimples: You don't think the Professor would take anything that didn't belong to him?
Children's Band Member: That's just the trouble with the Professor. He doesn't seem to know what belongs to him and what doesn't.
Dimples: The Professor's one of the "honestest" men in the world!

--Shirley Temple (as Dimples Appleby) in Dimples

Our Little Girl

Our Little Girl

Elsa Middleton: Molly, you're getting too big for Heaven's Gate.
Molly Middleton: But you and Daddy didn't get too big.

--Shirley Temple (as ) in Our Little Girl

Our Little Girl

Our Little Girl

Elsa Middleton: Mother's going away for a little while. And, when she comes back, she won't be married to Daddy anymore.
Molly Middleton: Who will you be married to, Mommy?

--Shirley Temple (as ) in Our Little Girl

Our Little Girl

Our Little Girl

Elsa Middleton: Young lady, who do you work for?
Molly Middleton: For you.
Elsa Middleton: And who does Mommy work for?
Molly Middleton: For Daddy.
Elsa Middleton: And who does Daddy work for?
Molly Middleton: For the butcher and grocer and the tax-collector and the telephone company.

--Shirley Temple (as ) in Our Little Girl

Susannah of the Mounties

Susannah of the Mounties

Inspector Angus 'Monty' Montague: Sue!
Susannah Sheldon: Oh, Mr. Monty, have they hurt you?
Inspector Angus 'Monty' Montague: I'm all right. How did you get here?
Susannah Sheldon: I came to see Mr. Big Eagle. Mr. Standing sent to another post for help, but they can't get here in time, so after dark tonight, he's coming with some men to try to rescue you.

--Shirley Temple (as ) in Susannah of the Mounties

Bright Eyes

Bright Eyes

James 'Loop' Merritt: Now I've got a present for you. This isn't from Santa Claus. This is from me to you. This is a magic ring, see? Just like in the fairy tales. If ever you're in trouble, or if you ever want me to do anything for you, you send me this ring, and I'll come.
Shirley Blake: Oh, it's so pretty. Thank you, Loop.

--Shirley Temple (as ) in Bright Eyes

Susannah of the Mounties

Susannah of the Mounties

Little Chief: Now squaw put out finger.
Susannah Sheldon: And let you cut it? I will not!
Little Chief: Squaw afraid?
Susannah Sheldon: No! Oh, you did cut it! It's bleeding!
Little Chief: Now put together. Make Golden Hawk and Little Chief blood brothers.
Susannah Sheldon: You mean this will make me an Indian?
Little Chief: Unh. Indian now.
Susannah Sheldon: Oh, is my face turning red?
Little Chief: No, stay paleface.
Susannah Sheldon: I'm glad of that.

--Shirley Temple (as ) in Susannah of the Mounties

Susannah of the Mounties

Susannah of the Mounties

Little Chief: Unh.
Susannah Sheldon: Why don't you say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no?

--Shirley Temple (as ) in Susannah of the Mounties

War Babies

War Babies

Soldier: I seen Sergeant Quirt, and he said he took her away from Flagg.
Captain Flagg: Oh, yeah? Well, you tell that slug the man ain't made that can take my gal! Ain't that right, baby?
Charmaine: Absolutely, mon capitaine.

--Shirley Temple (as ) in War Babies

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