City That Never Sleeps

City That Never Sleeps

Sally 'Angel Face' Connors: I know how you feel, Joe.
Johnny Kelly: I don't think you have the slightest idea how I feel.
Sally 'Angel Face' Connors: Why do you say that?
Johnny Kelly: I feel like I'm in a cement mixer getting slowly chopped and pounded to death. I've seen all that I can stand to see.

--Gig Young (as Johnny Kelly) in City That Never Sleeps

The Story on Page One

The Story on Page One

Mrs. Ellis: What did the judge say, son?
Larry Ellis: He wished me well.

--Gig Young (as ) in The Story on Page One

The Tunnel of Love

The Tunnel of Love

August 'Augie' Poole: Are you out for a world record? Can't you pass up one dame?
Dick Pepper: I have never yet gone after a woman unless she sent out a certain signal, like radar.
August 'Augie' Poole: [Glumly] I didn't notice any signal.
Dick Pepper: Your extrasensory perceptions have been dulled by years of disuse. She lit up like that sign over Madison Square Garden: "Wrestling Tonight"!

--Gig Young (as ) in The Tunnel of Love

The Tunnel of Love

The Tunnel of Love

August 'Augie' Poole: Now, according to your logic, if I chase around with another woman, then I'll have a child with my own wife?
Dick Pepper: Well, I can't guarantee it, but what can you lose? You're not getting anywhere *your* way.

--Gig Young (as ) in The Tunnel of Love

That Touch of Mink

That Touch of Mink

Cathy Timberlake: How would you feel? Here I am, he practically runs me down and then drives right away! And doesn't have the decency to apologise himself. Furthermore I have a job interview and have to go like this. He doesn't care.
Roger: Ohhh...
Cathy Timberlake: You know what I'd like to do?
Roger: Throw the money in his face?
Cathy Timberlake: Exactly! I'd like to throw that money right in his face.
Roger: Would you?
Cathy Timberlake: Yes, I would.
Roger: I've waited seven years for this moment. You come with me!

--Gig Young (as Roger) in That Touch of Mink

City That Never Sleeps

City That Never Sleeps

Sgt. Joe, the 'Voice of Chicago': So, you're leaving the police and your wife?
Johnny Kelly: Yeah, starting from scratch.

--Gig Young (as Johnny Kelly) in City That Never Sleeps

The Tunnel of Love

The Tunnel of Love

Alice Pepper: [to her husband] You know, I miss the kids. I know camp's the best place for them, but I miss them terribly, don't you?
Dick Pepper: [Casually unconcerned] Not a damn bit!

--Gig Young (as ) in The Tunnel of Love

Teacher's Pet

Teacher's Pet

James Gannon: Morning. Hangover?
Dr. Hugo Pine: Calling what I have a 'hangover' is like referring to the Johnstown flood as a slight drizzle.

--Gig Young (as Dr. Hugo Pine) in Teacher's Pet

They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

Alice: Somebody screamed.
Rocky: That was you, Alice.

--Gig Young (as Rocky) in They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

The Tunnel of Love

The Tunnel of Love

Dick Pepper: [Sound of his kids loudly playing can be heard in the background] Pipe down you kids, or I'll send the pack of you to boarding school!
Alice Pepper: It wouldn't hurt you to play with your kids once in a while.
Dick Pepper: [Indifferently] We have nothing in common. They bore me. Being a parent is just feeding the mouth that bites you.

--Gig Young (as ) in The Tunnel of Love

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