Glenda Farrell

Glenda Farrell
(as Florence Dempsey)

Winton: [to Florence] Will you marry me?
Florence: How much money have you got?
Winton: [laughing] Heaven knows , alot.
Florence: [smiling] Well that being the case , I'll take it up with the board of directors.

Glenda Farrell

Glenda Farrell
(as Florence Dempsey)

Winton: I've only known you twenty-four hours, but I'm in love with you.
Florence: Doesn't usually take that long.

Edwin Maxwell

Edwin Maxwell
(as Joe Worth)

Joe Worth: [talking about their financial situation] I don't hope to impress you, but I've got to tell you we haven't a farthing.
Ivan Igor: That is unfortunate.
Joe Worth: You're right it's unfortunate, 15,000 pounds it's cost me and you say it's unfortunate as though I've spilled soup on my vest.
Ivan Igor: Your money may have been very well invested you never know, something important may come of all this.
Joe Worth: Something important has got to come of all this, you know the rent on this place isn't paid?
Ivan Igor: Is that a fact?
Joe Worth: No I'm lying to amuse myself.
Joe Worth: I've got an idea that will get us out of all this, you and I have absolutely no money but we have got this
[hands Ivan the fire insurance]
Joe Worth: .
Ivan Igor: Fire insurance? Is this your idea of humor my friend?
Joe Worth: Yes fire insurance, that's our way out.

Lionel Atwill

Lionel Atwill
(as Ivan Igor)

Ivan Igor: For twelve years... twelve awful years... this terrible living dead man, with these burned hands and face, has searched for this fiend. Now the account is closed!
[opens packing case to reveal the body of Worth]

Lionel Atwill

Lionel Atwill
(as Ivan Igor)

Ivan Igor: I offer you immortality, my child. Think of it: in a thousand years you shall be as lovely as you are now!

Lionel Atwill

Lionel Atwill
(as Ivan Igor)

Ivan Igor: If my curiosity is not to great would you mind telling me what manner of animal it is you are designing?
Ralph Burton: This is one of the athenian girls for the bacchanal.
Ivan Igor: It would be interesting to know young man where and when you studied anatomy.

Lionel Atwill

Lionel Atwill
(as Ivan Igor)

Ivan Igor: My dear, why are you so pitifully afraid? Immortality has been the dream, the inspiration of mankind through the ages. And I am going to give you immortality!

Fay Wray

Fay Wray
(as Charlotte Duncan)

Ivan Igor: You know I might have felt a little discouraged tonight, but now everything is exactly as it should be.
Charlotte Duncan: I'm glad.

Glenda Farrell

Glenda Farrell
(as Florence Dempsey)

Florence: [after Charlotte hangs up the phone after talking to Ralph] Who was that? Penny Ante?
Charlotte Duncan: Mmmm hmmm why?.
Florence: Just wondering , did you invite him to lunch or did he invite you?
Charlotte Duncan: Well I don't want to offend you but frankly that's none of your business , I don't interfere in any of your affairs.
Florence: I don't have any affairs.
[sits up and shouts]
Florence: What do you mean?
Charlotte Duncan: I don't think you could have a real affair, I don't think you could care for anyone.
Florence: Oh please, I've been in love so many times my heart's calloused, but I never hit one with dough.

Glenda Farrell

Glenda Farrell
(as Florence Dempsey)

Florence: [describing the disfigured man's appearance] And that face , it was like an African war mask.
Detective: You mean he was colored?
Florence: I don't know what he was , but he made Frankenstein look like a lily.

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