George Sanders

George Sanders

Katherine Joyce: I wanted you to take a rest. It didn't occur to me that it'd be so boring for you to be alone with me.
Alexander 'Alex' Joyce: What's that got to do with it? I'm just bored because I've got nothing to do.

George Sanders

George Sanders

Katherine Joyce: This is the first time that we've been really alone ever since we married.
Alexander 'Alex' Joyce: Yes, I suppose it is.

George Sanders

George Sanders

Alexander 'Alex' Joyce: Are you sure you know when I'm happy?
Katherine Joyce: No, ever since we left on this trip I'm not so sure. I realised for the first time that we... we're like strangers.
Alexander 'Alex' Joyce: That's right. After eight years of marriage, it seems like we don't know anything about each other.
Katherine Joyce: At home everything seemed so perfect, but now that we're away, alone...
Alexander 'Alex' Joyce: Yes, it's a strange discovery to make.

George Sanders

George Sanders

Alexander 'Alex' Joyce: What noisy people! I've never seen noise and boredom go so well together.
Katherine Joyce: Oh I don't know, Uncle Homer lived here for 40 years without getting bored.
Alexander 'Alex' Joyce: Uncle Homer was not a normal person.

Ingrid Bergman

Ingrid Bergman

[first lines]
Alexander 'Alex' Joyce: Where are we?
Katherine Joyce: Oh, I don't know exactly.

George Sanders

George Sanders

[last lines]
Katherine Joyce: Tell me. I want to hear you say it.
Alexander 'Alex' Joyce: Alright, I love you.