Richard Carlson

Richard Carlson
(as John Putnam)

John Putnam: [View of Putnam from inside the mine shaft. He's outside peering into the darkness, speaking to the alien] Show yourself! Let me see you as you truly are!
Alien: [Voice from off screen] No.

Barbara Rush

Barbara Rush
(as Ellen Fields)

Ellen Fields: If we've been seeing things, it's because we DID see them.

Charles Drake

Charles Drake
(as Sheriff Matt Warren)

Sheriff Matt Warren: Did you know, Putnam, more people are murdered at ninety-two degrees Fahrenheit than any other temperature? I read an article once - lower temperatures, people are easy-going. Over ninety two, it's too hot to move. But just ninety-two, people get irritable.

Richard Carlson

Richard Carlson
(as John Putnam)

[first lines]
John Putnam: [off-screen] This is Sand Rock, Arizona, of a late evening in early spring. It's a nice town, knowing its past and sure of its future, as it makes ready for the night, and the predictable morning. The desert blankets the earth, cooling, resting for the fight with tomorrow's sun. And in my house near the town, we're also sure of the future. So very sure.

Richard Carlson

Richard Carlson
(as John Putnam)

[last lines]
Sheriff Matt Warren: [three-shot, characters gazing toward sky into which meteor-spaceship has rocketed] Well, they've gone.
Ellen Fields: For good, John?
John Putnam: No. Just for now. It wasn't the right time for us to meet. But there'll be other nights, other stars for us to watch. They'll be back.