In his interview with François Truffaut, Alfred Hitchcock said he was so impressed with the performance of Anita Björk in Fröken Julie that he hired her for this movie. However, when she arrived in Hollywood, Bjork brought her lover, writer Stig Dagerman, and their baby daughter. Since they were not married, Warner Bros. insisted that Hitchcock find another actress for the role of Ruth Grandfort, in this case Anne Baxter.

In Italian, the actors are dubbed by: Giulio Panicali (Montgomery Clift); Dhia Cristiani (Anne Baxter), Giorgio Capecchi (Karl Malden); Emilio Cigoli (Brian Aherne); Nino Pavese (Roger Dann); Sandro Ruffini (Charles Andre); Carlo Romano (Judson Pratt) and Gianfranco Bellini (Gilles Pelletier).

In the 1953 French-dubbed version, the Montgomery Clift character is called 'Marcel' instead of 'Michael'.

In the original play, the priest was hanged. This scene had to be eliminated and replaced with another scene to avoid the wrath of the censor.

The film is based on the 1902 play "Nos deux consciences" by Paul Anthelme, but little is known about any production of the play. Anthelme was a journalist who also wrote under the name Paul Bourde.

Walking through the town, Fr. Logan passes in front of a cinema showing The Enforcer.

Alfred Hitchcock:  crossing the top of a staircase during the opening sequence.