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Social media and classic Hollywood feminism
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Oct 23, 2017
The media has exploded in the last couple weeks in response to the Harvey Weistein controversy. In an interview with BBC Newsnight, actress Emma Thompson was able to break down the ‘endemic’ problem the film industry has with men in positions of power taking advantage of the women who wo read more

Marlene Dietrich’s Re-Education of American Female Sensuality
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Dec 16, 2016
This post was originally written for my MA Film and Literature course “Cold War Culture: Literature, Film, Theory in Cold War Europe” at the University of York (lecturer Dr. Erica Sheen). The most poignant line Marlene Dietrich has in A Foreign Affair is when she asks her American army read more

Jimmy Stewart and the American Dream Recently updated !
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on May 20, 2016
This post in honour of James Stewart’s birthday is an essay originally written for my “Crash to Crisis: American Cinema 1931-2015” course as part of my Film and Literature MA at the University of York. James Stewart’s star persona navigated the country’s disillusionment with the read more

The Great Katharine Hepburn Blogathon 2016 is upon us! Recently updated !
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on May 11, 2016
Today is Katharine Hepburn’s birthday (May 12) and we have an excellent line-up of posts from across the classic film blogosphere devoted to the life and films of this magnificent actress. A big thank you to everyone who has signed up to participate in this blogathon. Your enthusiasm for this read more

God and the Angel: Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Apr 24, 2016
“If we loved each other only with our bodies I suppose it would be alright. I love you with much more than that. I love you with, oh everything somehow, with a special kind of soul.” (Olivier to Leigh, c.1939) As we celebrate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death this week, it seems read more

Announcing the Great Katharine Hepburn Blogathon 2016
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Apr 12, 2016
Back by popular demand! Announcing the 3rd annual Great Katharine Hepburn Blogathon 2016, which will take place Katharine Hepburn’s birthday, May 12-14. Hepburn was born May 12, 1907. She won an unprecedented 4 Academy Awards over her 63-year career, making over 50 feature-length films. We read more

All the Oscars Katharine Hepburn DIDN’T Win Recently updated !
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Feb 27, 2016
Katharine Hepburn always said her performance of this social-climbing wallflower was her personal favourite. This film was directed by George Stevens and co-starred Fred MacMurray and the great Hattie McDaniel. The movie has some funny bits and some heartbreaking parts. In one scene, Katharine Hepb read more

FLASH BLOGATHON: #CurateMyLife Classic Film Style Recently updated !
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Feb 18, 2016
As part of my Cultural Heritage Management course at the University of York, we are conducting a social media campaign/experiment, asking contributors to share images with the hashtag #curatemylife. The goal is to connect the public with a sense of heritage and to see how their lives contribute to o read more

Adapting Susan Vance: From Short Story to Script Recently updated !
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Jan 28, 2016
This post is an excerpt from an academic paper for my Film/Literature Encounters core MA module taught by Dr. Erica Sheen at the University of York. The presence of the Katharine Hepburn star persona in Bringing Up Baby (1938) forces a deviation from the film script, transforming the Susan characte read more

Introducing “Charlie’s Angels”: A Brief Rant
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Nov 27, 2015
I’m Sabrina, because she is the smart one. She is also the only one with any real clothes. It is true that the whole set up of the “Charlie’s Angels” show is a bit patronizing. The title itself suggests these women are Charlie’s personal Playboy bunnies. But th read more

Winners and Prizes and Awards, Oh My!
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on May 15, 2015
The Second Annual Great Katharine Hepburn Blogathon has been a huge success, with almost twice as many contributions as last year. I hope you all enjoyed writing about #TheGreatKH as I have enjoyed reading your posts. I cannot wait to see you all again next year! In order to thank read more

Katharine Hepburn’s Fangirls: A Birthday Tribute Recently updated !
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on May 12, 2015
Happy Birthday and Christopher Columbus, Katharine Hepburn! (GIF) Classic movie fans who grew up without the internet know what a lonely life it can be loving movies that were made before our parents were even born. I feel like I was the only person in my high school (of 4,000+ students) who read more

#TheGreatKH Blogathon 2015 Has Arrived! Recently updated !
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on May 9, 2015
It is almost Katharine Hepburn’s birthday (May 12) and we have an excellent line-up of posts from across the classic film blogosphere devoted to the life and films of this magnificent actress. A big thank you to everyone who has signed up to participate in this blogathon. Your read more

Exciting Announcement!
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on May 6, 2015
Margaret in York (Autumn, 2014) I am excited to announce that I have officially accepted an offer of acceptance from the University of York (UK) for their MA in Film and Literature! The film and lit. MA is a one-year programme that “examines the lively and symbiotic traffic between written wor read more

Katharine Hepburn Faces Fear and Fame in MORNING GLORY (1933) Recently updated !
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Apr 29, 2015
“Youth has its hour of glory, but too often it is only a morning glory, the flower that fades before the sun if very high.” (from MORNING GLORY (1933)) “No other star has emerged with greater rapidity or with more ecstatic acclaim. No other star, either, has become so unpopular so quickly for read more

“Is There a Murderer Here?”: The Great Villainy of Richard III
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Apr 17, 2015
It is no secret how much I love the Shakespeare – the Immortal Bard has been the subject of many a post on this blog. Shakespeare’s plays are timeless in that they are often rejuvenated in film form. Movie lovers who wrestled with the gruelling texts during their high school years have read more

Musical Patriotism and Nostalgia in CASABLANCA (1942) Recently updated !
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Feb 18, 2015
“Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine.” The other day on Groupon they featured an offer to see the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra play along with CASABLANCA (1942) and I sincerely regret not jumping at this chance to give myself the best Valentine read more

Buster Keaton: After the Silents
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Feb 9, 2015
“You studio people warp my character” (Buster Keaton: The Persistence of Comedy, 169) As biographer James L. Neibaur points out in his book “The Fall of Buster Keaton,” there are two ways to view Keaton’s career after the silent era: “We can sadly or angrily dism read more

1970s TV Theme Songs that Made Me a Feminist Recently updated !
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Feb 3, 2015
When I was growing up, my family lived off of TVLand. This was the classic TVLand channel that consisted primarily of TV shows from the 60s and 70s, before they came along with their own original series and started adding shows from the 90s (“Everybody Loves Raymond”? Really? Not everybo read more

Miriam Hopkins: a Georgia Peach in Hollywood Recently updated !
Margaret Perry Posted by Margaret Perry on Jan 24, 2015
Miriam Hopkins is just the sort of intellectual east coast actress I find most interesting. She was born in Savannah and raised in Bainbridge, Georgia where her mother’s twin brother was mayor. After her parents divorced, she moved with her mother to Vermont, where she attended the prestigious read more