Birds School House

Birds School House (CA)

Dark Passage House

Dark Passage House (CA)

From Here to Eternity Beach

From Here to Eternity Beach (HI)

Graduate Church

Graduate Church (CA)

High Noon Church

High Noon Church (CA)

High Noon House

High Noon House (CA)

It's a Wonderful Life Swim Gym

It's a Wonderful Life Swim Gym (CA)

King Kong (Empire State Building)

King Kong (Empire State Building) (NY)

Laurel & Hardy Music Box Stairs

Laurel & Hardy Music Box Stairs (CA)

Lost Weekend Bar

Lost Weekend Bar (NY)

Maltese Falcon House

Maltese Falcon House (CA)

Maltese Falcon Plaque

Maltese Falcon Plaque (CA)

Niagara (Niagara Falls)

Niagara (Niagara Falls) (Canada)

North by Northwest (Plaza Hotel)

North by Northwest (Plaza Hotel) (NY)

North by Northwest Estate

North by Northwest Estate (NY)

North by Nortwest (Mount Rushmore)

North by Nortwest (Mount Rushmore) (SD)

Rebel Without a Cause (Griffith Observatory)

Rebel Without a Cause (Griffith Observatory) (CA)

Roman Holiday (Bocca della Verita)

Roman Holiday (Bocca della Verita) (Italy)

Roman Holiday (via Margutta 51)

Roman Holiday (via Margutta 51) (Italy)

Safety Last! Building

Safety Last! Building (CA)

Seven Year Itch Subway Grate

Seven Year Itch Subway Grate (NY)

Vertigo Brocklebank Apartments

Vertigo Brocklebank Apartments (CA)

Vertigo Leap Point

Vertigo Leap Point (CA)

Vertigo Lombard St. House

Vertigo Lombard St. House (CA)