John Wayne

John Wayne
(as Thomas Dunson)

[Dunson plans to take Don Diego's land from him]
Fernandez: Others have thought as you, señor. Others have tried.
Thomas Dunson: And you've always been good enough to stop them?
Fernandez: Amigo, it is my work.
Thomas Dunson: Pretty unhealthy job.

Harry Carey

Harry Carey
(as Mr. Melville)

Mr. Melville: There's three times in a man's life when he has a right to yell at the moon: when he marries, when his children come, and... and when he finishes a job he had to be crazy to start.

Melvyn Douglas

Melvyn Douglas
(as Bill Cole)

Jim Blandings: That's fine. For the rest of my life, I'll have to get up at 5 in the morning to catch the 6:15 train to get to my office at 8. It doesn't even open until 9, and I never get there until 10!
Muriel Blandings: Well, maybe if you start earlier, you can leave the office earlier.
Jim Blandings: To get home earlier, to get to bed earlier, to get up earlier, I suppose.
Bill Cole: Maybe you can get the railroad to push the train up to 4:15. Then you won't have to go to bed at all.

George Sanders

George Sanders
(as Jack Favell)

Jack Favell: I'd like to have your advice on how to live comfortably without hard work.
From Rebecca

Gary Cooper

Gary Cooper
(as Howard Roark)

Peter Keating: But it's a humanitarian project. Think of the people who live in slums. If you can give them decent housing, you can perform a noble deed. Would you do it just for their sake?
Howard Roark: No! A man who works for others without payment is a slave! I do no believe that slavery is noble. Not in any form, nor for any purpose, whatsoever!

Gary Cooper

Gary Cooper
(as Howard Roark)

Howard Roark: I don't build in order to have clients. I have clients in order to build!

Gary Cooper

Gary Cooper
(as Howard Roark)

Howard Roark: Before you can do things for people, you must be the kind of man who can get things done. But to get things done, you must love the doing, not the people! Your own work, not any possible object of your charity. I'll be glad if men who need it find a better method of living in the house I built, but that's not the motive of my work, nor my reason, nor my reward! My reward, my purpose, my life, is the work itself - my work done my way! Nothing else matters to me!

Gary Cooper

Gary Cooper
(as Howard Roark)

Ellsworth Toohey: There's the building that should have been yours. There are buildings going up all over the city which are great chances refused and given to incompetent fools. You're walking the streets while they're doing the work that you love but cannot obtain. This city is closed to you. It is I who have done it! Don't you want to know my motive?
Howard Roark: No!
Ellsworth Toohey: I'm fighting you and shall fight you in every way I can.
Howard Roark: You're free to do what you please!
Ellsworth Toohey: Mr. Roark, we're alone here. Why don't you tell me what you think of me in any words you wish.
Howard Roark: But I don't think of you!
[Roark walks away and Toohey's head slumps down]

Cary Grant

Cary Grant
(as Dick)

Margaret : Judge Turner is an Associate Justice of the State Supreme Court!
Richard Nugent: Good for you junior - better than working for a living!

Erik Rhodes

Erik Rhodes
(as Alberto Beddini)

Alberto Beddini: I promised my dresses that I would take them to Venice and that you would be in them!
From Top Hat

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