Charlie Chan in Shanghai

Charlie Chan in Shanghai

Lee Chan: Hi, Pop!
Charlie Chan: [softly] Hi.
[embracing Lee]
Charlie Chan: Joy equals astonishment at seeing offspring in Shanghai.

--Warner Oland (as ) in Charlie Chan in Shanghai

Charlie Chan in Paris

Charlie Chan in Paris

Lee Chan: What'ya going to do?
Charlie Chan: Cannot see contents of nut until shell is cracked.

--Warner Oland (as ) in Charlie Chan in Paris

Charlie Chan in Paris

Charlie Chan in Paris

Albert Dufresne: Be assured we'll help you to get to the bottom of this, Mr. Chan.
Charlie Chan: Must turn up many stones to find hiding place of snake.

--Warner Oland (as ) in Charlie Chan in Paris

Charlie Chan in Paris

Charlie Chan in Paris

Yvette Lamartine: Too bad you don't dance, Mr. Chan.
Charlie Chan: Mud turtle in pond more safe than man on horseback.

--Warner Oland (as ) in Charlie Chan in Paris

Charlie Chan at the Circus

Charlie Chan at the Circus

Lt. Macy: [referring to Lee] Hello, Mr. Chan. You sure got a bright kid. He gave me a good steer.
Charlie Chan: Uh, sometimes suspect anxious offspring of giving bull.

--Warner Oland (as ) in Charlie Chan at the Circus

Charlie Chan in Egypt

Charlie Chan in Egypt

Tom Evans, Archeologist: [pointing to the hieroglyphs on the tomb wall] The design alternates with the symbols of life and death.
Charlie Chan: Story of man very short.
[alternately pointing to the symbols]
Charlie Chan: Life... death... life... death. Am reminded of ancient sage Confucious
[extending his arms out to suggest length]
Charlie Chan: who write, 'From life to death is reach of man.'

--Warner Oland (as ) in Charlie Chan in Egypt

Charlie Chan in Egypt

Charlie Chan in Egypt

Tom Evans, Archeologist: She's just making a mountain out of a molehill.
Charlie Chan: Inconspicuous molehill sometimes more important than conspicuous mountain.

--Warner Oland (as ) in Charlie Chan in Egypt

Charlie Chan in Shanghai

Charlie Chan in Shanghai

Ship's officer: [seeing Charlie on the deck playing leap-frog with a bevy of little kids] They seem to have you down, Mr. Chan.
Charlie Chan: Sixty summers young, sixty winters old.

--Warner Oland (as ) in Charlie Chan in Shanghai

Charlie Chan at the Opera

Charlie Chan at the Opera

[last lines]
Lee Chan: I knew we were on the right track Pop! The first time I saw Madam Borelli, I was sure she was guilty, because...
[the visor on his helmet slams shut, cutting him off]
Charlie Chan: Case now closed.

--Warner Oland (as Charlie Chan) in Charlie Chan at the Opera

Charlie Chan at the Race Track

Charlie Chan at the Race Track

[last lines]
Lee Chan: Pop, I've got another hot clue!
Charlie Chan: Save for next case please.

--Warner Oland (as ) in Charlie Chan at the Race Track

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