No More Ladies

No More Ladies

Sheridan 'Sherry': I'm sorry, I thought you liked having me around more or less.
Marcia Townsend Warren: I do. More or less, either one or the other. There, now you've got it.

--Joan Crawford (as ) in No More Ladies

Johnny Guitar

Johnny Guitar

Johnny: [Mining crews are blasting up in the nearby hills, making the roads impassable] They're closing the pass. If you're thinking of running, it's a little late. I've got a hunch the posse will be droppin' in on ya' before night. Same people who paid you a visit yesterday, only they won't be the same. A posse isn't people. I've ridden with 'em, and I've ridden against 'em. A posse is an animal that moves like one and thinks like one.
Vienna: [Dismissively] They're men with itchy fingers and a coil of rope around their saddle horns, lookin' for somebody to hang. And after riding a few hours they don't care much WHO they hang. You haven't told me a thing I don't know.

--Joan Crawford (as Vienna) in Johnny Guitar

Torch Song

Torch Song

[first lines]
Jenny Stewart: Hold the record.

--Joan Crawford (as ) in Torch Song

Torch Song

Torch Song

[last lines]
Jenny Stewart: Believe me, Duchess has her limitations.

--Joan Crawford (as ) in Torch Song

Grand Hotel

Grand Hotel

Baron Felix von Geigern: [looking down from the sixth-floor balcony over the front desk] You know, I've often wondered what'd happen to that old porter if somebody jumped on him from here.
Flaemmchen: I'm sure I don't know. Why don't you try it and find out?

--Joan Crawford (as Flaemmchen) in Grand Hotel

Grand Hotel

Grand Hotel

[to Preysing, after he tries to get 'familiar' with her by asking her to call him by his first name]
Flaemmchen: You know I always say that nothing should be left hanging over. And names are like that. Suppose I met you next year and said, 'How do you do Mr. Preysing?' And you said, 'That's the young lady who was my secretary in Manchester.' That's all quite propper. But supposing I saw you and yelled 'Hi baby. Remember Manchester.'
[he laughs]
Flaemmchen: Yeah, and you were with your wife. How would you like that?

--Joan Crawford (as Flaemmchen) in Grand Hotel

