Footlight Parade

Footlight Parade

Chester Kent: Aw, talking pictures, it's just a fad.

--James Cagney (as Chester Kent) in Footlight Parade

Footlight Parade

Footlight Parade

Chester Kent: Listen, Nan, send a new boy and girl on right away, and make sure they're not in love with each other.
Nan Prescott: Right.
Chester Kent: Uh, get a couple already married.

--James Cagney (as Chester Kent) in Footlight Parade

White Heat

White Heat

Cody Jarrett: [Fallon is hiding the tracking device under the phony fuel truck] What are you doin'? We're on our way.
Hank Fallon: You gotta have a chain bouncin' the ground - get rid of electricity.
Cody Jarrett: That's only when you got gasoline or chemicals sloppin' around inside.
Hank Fallon: You wanna have some traffic cop think you got a load of somethin' else?
Cody Jarrett: That's usin' your head, kid. All right, snap it up.
[Jarrett walks off]

--James Cagney (as Cody Jarrett) in White Heat

White Heat

White Heat

Cody Jarrett: [while eating a chicken leg, Jarrett speaks to Parker in the trunk of the sedan] How ya doin', Parker?
Roy Parker: It's stuffy in here, I need some air.
Cody Jarrett: Oh, stuffy, huh? I'll give ya a litte air.
[pulls a gun from his pants and shoots four times into the trunk]

--James Cagney (as Cody Jarrett) in White Heat

White Heat

White Heat

Cody Jarrett: A copper, a copper, how do you like that boys? A copper and his name is Fallon. And we went for it, I went for it. Treated him like a kid brother. And I was gonna split fifty-fifty with a copper!

--James Cagney (as Cody Jarrett) in White Heat

White Heat

White Heat

Cody Jarrett: Big Ed, Great... Big... Ed. Know why they call him that? Because his ideas are big. Someday he's gonna get a really big one, about me. It'll be his last.

--James Cagney (as Cody Jarrett) in White Heat

White Heat

White Heat

Cody Jarrett: I told you to keep away from that radio. If that battery is dead it'll have company.

--James Cagney (as Cody Jarrett) in White Heat

White Heat

White Heat

Cody Jarrett: You know something, Verna, if I turn my back long enough for Big Ed to put a hole in it, there'd be a hole in it.

--James Cagney (as Cody Jarrett) in White Heat

Other Men's Women

Other Men's Women

Ed 'Eddie' Bailey: [eying up his girl before they go out on the dance floor] Baby, you look like $700 tonight, I'm tellin' you!

--James Cagney (as ) in Other Men's Women

The Roaring Twenties

The Roaring Twenties

Eddie Bartlett: [Eddie, in his Army uniform, returns to his old place of employment - a garage - seeking to get his job back. He speaks to his former boss] Hello, Mr. Fletcher.
Mr. Fletcher: [Surprised to see Eddie] Why, when did you blow in?
Eddie Bartlett: Just now. Sure good to be back.
Mr. Fletcher: I'll bet it is. What are you gonna' do?
Eddie Bartlett: Oh, rest up a couple of days, see a few of the boys, and then I'm ready to go to work.
Mr. Fletcher: That's fine. Whaddya' gonna' do? Where ya' gonna' work?
Eddie Bartlett: [Confused] Whaddya' mean, "Where am I gonna' work"? I was gonna' come back here.
Mr. Fletcher: Sorry, Eddie, I haven't got anything for you.
Eddie Bartlett: Now wait a minute. Maybe I'm in the wrong garage. What was that line you handed me about my job always waiting for me when I got back?
Mr. Fletcher: Times have changed, Eddie. That boy over there's been working almost two years. Whaddya' want me to do, can him just because you came back?
Eddie Bartlett: No... no, I couldn't ask you to do that, could I? All right... Thanks.

--James Cagney (as Eddie Bartlett) in The Roaring Twenties

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