Sudden Fear

Sudden Fear

[after being rejected for a romantic role because of his looks]
Lester Blaine: Miss Hudson, in your own native city of San Francisco, there's an art gallery in the Legion of Honor in which there's an oil painting of Casanova. It's quite obvious that you have never seen this painting. For your information, Miss Hudson, this is what Casanova looked like. He had big ears, a scar over one eye, a broken nose, and a wart on his chin, right here. I suggest, Miss Hudson, that when you return to San Francisco, you visit this gallery and see this painting!

--Jack Palance (as Lester Blaine) in Sudden Fear



Rufus Ryker: I'll kill him if I have to.
Jack Wilson: You mean I'll kill him if you have to.

--Jack Palance (as Jack Wilson) in Shane



Shane: I've heard about you.
Jack Wilson: What have you heard, Shane?
Shane: I've heard that you're a low-down Yankee liar.
Jack Wilson: Prove it.

--Jack Palance (as Jack Wilson) in Shane

