What Price Hollywood?

What Price Hollywood?

Maximillan 'Max' Carey: Well what's the riot about? Hello Mary, anything new?
Julius Saxe: It's going to be terrific! Weddings are my speciality!
Maximillan 'Max' Carey: Wedding? What wedding?
Mary Evans: Mine. Darling aren't you going to congratulate me?
Maximillan 'Max' Carey: What for? It'll never last.
Lonny Borden: What won't last?
Maximillan 'Max' Carey: My liver and a movie star's marriage.
Mary Evans: We know your liver won't last darling!

--Constance Bennett (as ) in What Price Hollywood?

Bed of Roses

Bed of Roses

Minnie: You don't look so bad yourself for a corpse.
Lorry Evans: A corpse!
Minnie: You were supposed to be drown and you don't even look damp.
Lorry Evans: Well, I got myself resurrected.
Minnie: Well, you done a good job while you was at it.
[looking around at Lorry's opulent apartment]
Minnie: Does he own the mint?
Lorry Evans: No, but he's got an option on it.

--Constance Bennett (as ) in Bed of Roses

What Price Hollywood?

What Price Hollywood?

[first lines]
[Mary Evans is admiring a magazine photo of Clark Gable]
Mary Evans: Hmmmm. Oh, boy!
[Mary places the magazine photo against her face and pretends Gable is her lover. She speaks in an exaggerated voice]
Mary Evans: Daaahling, how I love you my daaahling, I love you I do.
[she puts the magazine down and returns to her normal voice]
Mary Evans: It's getting late and I must scram.

--Constance Bennett (as ) in What Price Hollywood?

What Price Hollywood?

What Price Hollywood?

[last lines]
Lonny Borden: Oh Mary? Aren't you going to say hello?
Mary Evans: How'd you find us?
Lonny Borden: Detectives. I kidnapped Jackie because I realized I'd never be able to get in to see you any other way.
Mary Evans: Why'd you come?
Lonny Borden: Well among other things, I've a rather important mesage here from Mr. Saxe. I'll read it. "Dear Mary. Just bought a new story. It'd make a good comeback for you. You go to prison for the man you love. Exhibiters interested. Mother and I send love. Julius Saxe." There is a p.s.
[he turns the message over and pretends to read a p.s]
Lonny Borden: "You better re-marry Lonny Borden. He adores you, he always has, cause he realizes that he isn't good enough for you but he'll do anything if you only take him back." It's true. Honest and a whole lot more!
Mary Evans: Then... than you didn't go to Hollywood just to take Jackie from me?
Lonny Borden: Well of course not dear. I came out to help if you needed it.
Mary Evans: Oh Lonny.
Lonny Borden: Let's have dinner together tonight, huh? There's a hotel here with a magnificent main dining room, a thirty piece orchestra, orchids.
Mary Evans: Suppose I said no?
Lonny Borden: Well you know what happened last time.
Mary Evans: Lonny!

--Constance Bennett (as ) in What Price Hollywood?

Bed of Roses

Bed of Roses

[to prison official during release from prison]
Lorry Evans: This is a very nice institution you have here Miss Muncie, but you do cater to a rather low class.

--Constance Bennett (as ) in Bed of Roses

