

Nebka: One meets such nice people in one's dreams.

--Andy Devine (as Nebka) in Sudan

The Traveling Saleswoman

The Traveling Saleswoman

Waldo: You know, Mabel, I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you. You're the most beautiful girl in the whole world, and you've got everything. Of course, some of the things you've got you'd be better off without, but you've got everything.

--Andy Devine (as ) in The Traveling Saleswoman



[first lines]
Arizona: Timber!

--Andy Devine (as ) in Timber!



[Mrs. Mallory, a passenger, has just given birth]
Buck: Hey, Curly, do you think I oughta charge Mrs. Mallory's baby half fare?

--Andy Devine (as Buck) in Stagecoach

Bells of San Angelo

Bells of San Angelo

[seeking the location of an old Mexican silver mine, Roy, Cookie, Lee and the Padre find a clue on one of the bells of San Angelo church]
Padre: [reading the inscription] "As the sun rises, the shadow of my arms and the pillar of my strength shall mark that which God made and whence came the bells of San Angelo."
Lee Madison: That's beautiful!
Cookie Bullfincher: But what does it mean?
Roy Rogers: "... The shadow of my arms and the pillar of my strength..." Arms, pillar - that must mean a cross! Cookie, do you know where there's a cross around here?
Cookie Bullfincher: Sure! On top of the church.
Roy Rogers: No, I mean up in the hills near the border where the mine could be.
Padre: None now, but there was a shrine many years ago to which the people came to pray to Santa Guadalupe at Easter.
Cookie Bullfincher: Sure, Padre, I remember. On your side of the border near some rimrock!

--Andy Devine (as Cookie Bullfincher) in Bells of San Angelo

