Little Miss Marker

Little Miss Marker

Sorrowful 'Sir Sorry' Jones: What's the matter now?
Marthy Jane, Little Miss Marker: You don't like me!
Sorrowful 'Sir Sorry' Jones: You always cry when somebody doesn't like you?
Marthy Jane, Little Miss Marker: Yes!
Sorrowful 'Sir Sorry' Jones: Well, you got a lot of crying to do. Now go to sleep.
Marthy Jane, Little Miss Marker: My mommy used to read to me about King Arthur every night before I went to sleep.
Sorrowful 'Sir Sorry' Jones: Now, Marky, be reasonable.
Marthy Jane, Little Miss Marker: I won't!
Sorrowful 'Sir Sorry' Jones: All right, all right.

--Adolphe Menjou (as Sorrowful Jones) in Little Miss Marker

The Circus Queen Murder

The Circus Queen Murder

Thatcher Colt: It's a well known fact that cannibals differ from the rest of us in their dietary customs.

--Adolphe Menjou (as ) in The Circus Queen Murder

The Front Page

The Front Page

[Hildy tries to explain to his fiancee why he's still working for Walter Burns' newspaper when he promised to resign]
Hildebrand 'Hildy' Johnson: Listen, dear, something terrific has happened. I was going to tell but I couldn't!
Walter Burns: Tell her nothing. She's a woman, you fool!

--Adolphe Menjou (as Walter Burns) in The Front Page

The Front Page

The Front Page

Walter Burns: The son of a...
[Walter's elbow conveniently hits a typewriter keyboard]
Walter Burns: ...stole my watch!

--Adolphe Menjou (as Walter Burns) in The Front Page

