Ned Glass

Ned Glass
(as Doc)

Tony: You know what Maria and me are gonna do out in the country? We're gonna have kids, lots of 'em, and name them all after you-even the girls. That way when you come and visit...
Doc: [slaps him] Wake up! Is this the only way to get to you? Fight like all you kids do?

Natalie Wood

Natalie Wood
(as Maria)

Tony: You're not thinking I'm someone else?
Maria: I know you are not.
Tony: Or that we've met before?
Maria: I know we have not.
Tony: I felt, I knew something never before was going to happen, had to happen. But this is so much more.
Maria: My hands are cold.
[he takes them in his]
Maria: Yours too.
[he moves them to his face]
Maria: So warm.
[she moves his to hers]
Tony: So beautiful.
Maria: Beautiful.
Tony: It's so much to believe. You're not making a joke?
Maria: I have not yet learned how to joke that way. I think now I never will.

Richard Beymer

Richard Beymer
(as Tony)

Riff: Look, Tony, I've never asked the time of day from a clock but I'm asking you, come to the dance tonight. I already told the gang you'd be there. If you don't show I'll be marked lousy.
Tony: What time?
Riff: Ten.
Tony: Ten it is.
Riff: Womb to tomb!
Tony: Birth to Earth. And I'll live to regret this.
Riff: Who knows? Maybe what you've been waitin' on will be twitchin at the dance tonight.
Tony: Who knows? Could be... Who knows?

George Chakiris

George Chakiris
(as Bernardo)

Riff: Now move in and shake hands.
Bernardo: For what?
Riff: Well, that's the way it's done, buddy boy.
Bernardo: More gracious living. Everyone of you hates everyone of us, and we *hate* you right back.

Ned Glass

Ned Glass
(as Doc)

Riff: We gotta stand up to them Doc; it's important.
Doc: Fighting over a little piece of street is so important?
Action: To us it is!
Doc: To hoodlums it is!
Action: Who're you callin' a hoodlum?
Doc: War councils...
Action: Don't start, Doc.
Doc: ...Rumbles...
Action: D'you hear me, Doc?
Doc: Why, when I was your age...
Action: When *you* was my age? When my old man was my age, when my brother was my age... You was never my age, none of ya! And the sooner you creeps get hip to that, the sooner you'll dig us!
Doc: I'll dig you an early grave, that's what I'll dig.

Rita Moreno

Rita Moreno
(as Anita)

Anita: [sobbing bitterly] Bernardo was right, If one of you was lying in the street bleeding, I'd walk by and spit on you.

Rita Moreno

Rita Moreno
(as Anita)

Anita: Come in, come in! We won't bite you until we know you better.

Rita Moreno

Rita Moreno
(as Anita)

Bernardo: [singing] Everyone there will give big cheers!
Anita: [singing] Everyone there will have moved here!

Rita Moreno

Rita Moreno
(as Anita)

Bernardo: I'd like to go back to San Juan.
Anita: I know a boat you can get on!

Natalie Wood

Natalie Wood
(as Maria)

Lieutenant Schrank: At the gym last night, your brother got into a heavy argument because you danced with the wrong boy.
Maria: Yes
Lieutenant Schrank: Who was that boy?
Maria: Another from my country.
Lieutenant Schrank: And his name?
Maria: Jose.

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