Janet Leigh

Janet Leigh

Morgana: If you touch me. I'll kill myself.
Einar: There's a sword to do it with. Because I'm going to touch you. Come on! Kick! Bite! Scratch! Come on!
Morgana: I will not lift one finger to resist you.

Tony Curtis

Tony Curtis

Morgana: This bodice is too tight, I'll have to stop.
Eric: What's a bodice?

Tony Curtis

Tony Curtis

Eric: I didn't steal you away just to give you to another man.

Tony Curtis

Tony Curtis

Eric: Let's not question our flesh for wanting to remain flesh.

Janet Leigh

Janet Leigh

Eric: Still afraid?
Morgana: No. I'm worth much more alive than dead. Are you?

Ernest Borgnine

Ernest Borgnine

Kitala: [about Eric] You'll not kill him, but you throw him into the slop pool to be drowned and eaten by crabs.
Ragnar: Then let the crabs be cursed by Odin. That's my decision.

James Donald

James Donald

Egbert: Lies will not sustain a tyrant.

