Charlton Heston

Charlton Heston
(as Moses / God)

Sephora: I do not know about such things, but I know that the mountain rumbles when God is there, and the earth trembles, and the clouds are red with fire.
Moses: At such a time, has any man gone to see Him, face-to-face?
Sephora: No man has ever set foot on the forbidden slopes of Sinai. Why do you want to see Him, Moses?
Moses: To know that He is. And if He is, to know why He has not heard the cry of slaves in bondage.

John Derek

John Derek
(as Joshua)

Lilia: [singing] Death cometh to me, cometh to set me free. Death cometh to me.
Joshua: No, Lilia, death will not come to you.
Lilia: Joshua! You risk your life in coming here. You are first-born.
Joshua: So are you. I have brought lamb's blood to mark the door posts and lintels, so that the shadow of death will pass you by.
Lilia: It is enough that you thought of me, Joshua. I am outcast among our people. Do not save me from death, Joshua, save me from life!
Joshua: Tomorrow will bring a new world for us, Lilia!

Edward G. Robinson

Edward G. Robinson
(as Dathan)

Lilia: Dathan, if you fear God, let me go.
Dathan: I am here, girl, because I would put no fear in a desert god and his mud-pit prophet. I am here because I bowed lower than my brothers before the Egyptians. Now the Egyptians bow low before me. Joshua wanted you. Baka wanted you. But you belong to me, a gift from Rameses.
Lilia: I will bow before you, Dathan. I will work my hands raw for you. But please do not shame me before my Lord.
Dathan: Your lord is the govenor of Goshen.
Lilia: What difference to my shame?
Dathan: No difference to you, my dove of Cannan, but to a condemned slave like Joshua it could mean the difference between death on the spikes and life in the copper mines of Sinai. What would you do to influence his excellency's clemency?
Lilia: [sobbing] Anything, Dathan, anything.
Dathan: Joshua will always be grateful to you.

John Derek

John Derek
(as Joshua)

Lilia: Joshua, we must have hope. God will send us a leader.
Joshua: Hope. On the heels of every hope walks Dathan.

Debra Paget

Debra Paget
(as Lilia)

Lilia: Water, Noble One?
Baka: No, wine. The wine of beauty.
Lilia: What beauty can my lord find in these mud pits?
Baka: A lotus flower blooms out of the muck. Dathan, she will do well as a house slave.
Lilia: Please, do not take me from my people! There will be danger.
Baka: Danger? From such lovely hands?
Lilia: There are other hands! Strong enough to kill.
Baka: Our mud flower has a thorn.
Lilia: Please, Lord Baka, I beg of you!

Dorothy Adams

Dorothy Adams
(as Slave Woman / Hebrew at Golden Calf / Hebrew at Rameses' Gate)

Lilia: You are strange to the pits. Your back is unscarred.
Moses: You bring a warm smile with your cool water.
Lilia: My smile is for a stonecutter. The water is for you.
Moses: I thank you.
Lilia: But your voice is not strange. You are...?
Moses: [Moses spoke very quickly, preventing Lilia from recognizing his voice] One of many who thirsts.
Baka: You there! Come here!
Lilia: That is Baka, the master builder.
Moses: Does he call you or me?
Baka: You, water girl! I'm thirsty!
Lilia: He does not thirst for water.
Slave: Beauty is but a curse to our women.

Douglass Dumbrille

Douglass Dumbrille
(as Jannes)

Sethi: Do you mean to tell me he would turn the slaves against me? I've been his father!
Jannes: Ambition knows no father.

Cedric Hardwicke

Cedric Hardwicke
(as Sethi)

Sethi: Harden yourself against subordinates. Have no friend. Trust no woman.

Cedric Hardwicke

Cedric Hardwicke
(as Sethi)

Sethi: Let the name of Moses be stricken from every book and tablet, stricken from all pylons and obelisks, stricken from every monument of Egypt. Let the name of Moses be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of men for all time.

Cedric Hardwicke

Cedric Hardwicke
(as Sethi)

Sethi: The one who I choose will be the best man to rule Egypt. I owe that to my fathers, not to my sons.

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