Robert Young

Robert Young
(as Tommy Randall)

Atkins: There's a young lady to see you, sir, I think it's rather urgent.
Tommy Randall: Oh, that's bad.
Atkins: She's very beautiful, sir.
Tommy Randall: Oh? That's not so bad.
Atkins: She has a child with her, sir.
Tommy Randall: Oh, that is bad.
Atkins: She also has the captain with her, and he insists upon seeing you, sir.
Tommy Randall: Oh, that's very bad!
Atkins: Here you are, sir?
Tommy Randall: What's that?
Atkins: Your checkbook, sir.
Tommy Randall: I don't know what your game is, young lady, but it won't work! I've never seen you before in my life, and besides I have witnesses to account for my whereabouts for the past twenty-seven years!
Susan Parker: Mr. Randall!
Barbara Stewart aka Ching-Ching: Uncle Tommy!
Tommy Randall: Ching-Ching!

Alice Faye

Alice Faye
(as Susan Parker)

Tommy Randall: Look, I know exactly what you think of me, but that's not important now. Hear me out. Marry me! Please don't misunderstand me. You wouldn't have to put up with me. It'll be a marriage in name only. As soon as we dock in San Francisco, we'll go right to Reno and get a divorce. My lawyers will take care of everything. Please, won't you do it? It's the only way.
Susan Parker: Would you really do that for her?
Tommy Randall: I'd do anything in the world for her.
Susan Parker: So would I.


