Robert Mitchum

Robert Mitchum

Kathie Moffat: Can't you even feel sorry for me?
Jeff Bailey: I'm not going to try.
Kathie Moffat: Jeff...
Jeff Bailey: Just get out, will you? I have to sleep in this room.

Robert Mitchum

Robert Mitchum

Kathie Moffat: Did you miss me?
Jeff Bailey: No more than I would my eyes.

Robert Mitchum

Robert Mitchum

Kathie Moffat: Don't you see you've only me to make deals with now?
Jeff Bailey: Build my gallows high, baby.

Robert Mitchum

Robert Mitchum

Kathie Moffat: I didn't know what I was doing. I, I didn't know anything except how much I hated him. But I didn't take anything. I didn't, Jeff. Don't you believe me?
Jeff Bailey: Baby, I don't care.

Robert Mitchum

Robert Mitchum

Kathie Moffat: I don't want to die.
Jeff Bailey: Neither do I, Baby, but if I have to, I'm going to die last.

Robert Mitchum

Robert Mitchum

Kathie Moffat: I think we deserve a break.
Jeff Bailey: We deserve each other.

Robert Mitchum

Robert Mitchum

Kathie Moffat: I'm sorry he didn't die.
Jeff Bailey: Give him time.

Robert Mitchum

Robert Mitchum

Kathie Moffat: Oh Jeff, you ought to have killed me for what I did a moment ago.
Jeff Bailey: [dryly] There's time.

Robert Mitchum

Robert Mitchum

Kathie Moffat: Oh, Jeff, I don't want to die!
Jeff Bailey: Neither do I, baby, but if I have to I'm gonna die last.

Robert Mitchum

Robert Mitchum

[Kathie is playing roulette]
Jeff Bailey: That's not the way to win.
Kathie Moffat: Is there a way to win?
Jeff Bailey: There's a way to lose more slowly.

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