James Stewart

James Stewart

Theodore Honey: I expect for the tail to fall off.

James Stewart

James Stewart

Theodore Honey: I think I know more about this than either you or the captain. I think I know what's going to happen, and if it does happen, at this altitude ther'ell be a little less than three minutes before we hit the water. Now there's one place in this airplane where a personmight stand a chance to survive that impact. Come with me. Now at the first sign of trouble, go in here and sit on the floor with your back against the partition. This partition is very rigid because the stove here is bolted to the floor. I tried to tell Miss Teasdale that because I felt I owed her something.

James Stewart

James Stewart

Theodore Honey: It just folded up! It folded right up and sat down!

James Stewart

James Stewart

Theodore Honey: It's about the condition of this airplane, I'm afraid we're in very serious danger. I'm rather afraid that the tail may drop off at any moment. Now when that happens...
Monica Teasdale: Is that so?
Theodore Honey: Yes. When that happens, there may be a little time to go to the men's room and sit on the floor. The partition there is very rigid because the galley stove is bolted to the floor on the other side. If you survive the first impact, try to get out of the escape hatch and get on a life raft. They may pick you up when they search for us in the morning.

Marlene Dietrich

Marlene Dietrich

Theodore Honey: Oh there'll really be a delay for everybody now won't there?
Marjorie Corder: I don't think there's any doubt about that. Tell me why...
Monica Teasdale: [enters] He did do it, didn't he?
Marjorie Corder: Yes I'm afraid he did.
Monica Teasdale: If you believe in something, you believe in doing something about it, don't you?
Theodore Honey: Well they wouldn't listen to me and the lever was right there so I just *keh* pulled it.
Monica Teasdale: That's sticking your neck out pretty far isn't it if you just thought it was going to crash?
Theodore Honey: I tried to get them to ground the airplane, they wouldn't listen to me and the lever was right there so I just, I...
Monica Teasdale: You just pulled it. Don't those things cost an awful lot of money?
Theodore Honey: Oh a tremendous amount of money! This is going to cause a good deal of trouble.
Monica Teasdale: I should think it might.
Theodore Honey: I don't know what they're going to do. I've never had any experience with anything like this before.
Monica Teasdale: I should think nobody has. I think this is a kind of world record.

Marlene Dietrich

Marlene Dietrich

Theodore Honey: You make people happy you've never even met. Like my wife Marian. You know she took me to see one of your pictures that last night before the bomb came. She talked about it a lot w hen we got home. You made that last night very happy for her. That's worth doing, Miss Teasdale. You know when we used to go to pictures, we used to walk right out when Marian didn't like them. We never walked out on one of your pictures.
Monica Teasdale: Mister Hoeny, this is not really the best compliment I've ever had, maybe it's the nicest.
Theodore Honey: That's why I had to tell you what I did. I have to do everything I can for you.
Monica Teasdale: You mean it too, don't you?
Monica Teasdale: You scientists are always so busy figuring out things, why don't you figure out a mascara that won't run?

James Stewart

James Stewart

Theodore Honey: You're talking about me because of what I did in Gander, and this isn't personal, I didn't invent the mathematics that made me believe what I did and I still believe in my work, test or no test. And when you believe in something, that's what you've got to do isn't it? If you want to live with yourself! Now I don't know wh at I'm going to do about this, I sat there and I thought maybe I'd write the Times a letter but I don't think they'd understand either. So the first thing I'm going to do is to resign right here and now, so the establishment won't be mixed up in it. And then, every time a Reindeer is going to take off that shouldn't, I'm going out there and *keh* right! Now you may put me in jail, you may put me in jail, but they wrote a lot about me when I wrecked that one in Gander and they'll write more about me here. And people just won't get on those airplanes. And I'm going to tell you something else! The minute anything does happen to one of these Reindeers, you're going to have to think of something better to say than anything I've heard here this afternoon. That's all! Good day! That's all!

James Stewart

James Stewart

Dennis Scott: [picks up The Bringing Up of the Child] One of the more difficult sciences I imagine.
Theodore Honey: What's that? Oh, oh yes. You know I didn't find that very satisfactory. They seem to have much different problems with their children than I've ever had with Elspeth.

