Claud Allister

Claud Allister

The Great Man: [to an Englishman who has a limp in his walk] Whatsa matter? Did you sprain your ankle?
Bitten Englishman: No, no, no. A dog bit, bit me.
The Great Man: Oh.
Bitten Englishman: Yeah, I was playing, uh, croquet and I, and I dropped my mallet. And, uh, a little dachshund ran straight out and uh, and, and grabbed me by the fetlock.
[Bending over to point to his ankle]
The Great Man: Oh.
[Looking BEHIND him in the bent-over position]
The Great Man: Rather fortunate it wasn't a Newfoundland dog that bit you.
Bitten Englishman: Uh, yes, rahther.
The Great Man: Yeah.
Bitten Englishman: I suppose so.

W.C. Fields

W.C. Fields

The Great Man: Do you want to grow up and be dumb like Zasu Pitts?

W.C. Fields

W.C. Fields

The Great Man: Godfrey Daniel!

W.C. Fields

W.C. Fields

The Great Man: How'd you like to hide the egg and gurgitate a few saucers of mocha java?

W.C. Fields

W.C. Fields

The Great Man: Oh, for a Maxwell parachute!
Ouliotta Delight Hemogloben: What's a Maxwell parachute?
The Great Man: Good until the last drop, dear.

W.C. Fields

W.C. Fields

The Great Man: Suffering sciatica! Last time is was pink elephants.

W.C. Fields

W.C. Fields

The Great Man: You're about to fall heir to a kitten's stocking.
Heckler: What's a kitten's stocking?
The Great Man: A sock on the puss.

W.C. Fields

W.C. Fields

The Producer: This script is an insult to a man's intelligence. Even mine.

W.C. Fields

W.C. Fields

Mrs. Hemogloben: Oh, you're so full of romance!
The Great Man: Every night, every night.

Gloria Jean

Gloria Jean

His Niece: [as things turn into chaos, at Fields' instigation, shaking her head] My uncle Bill...
[then, resolute]
His Niece: But I still love him!

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