Claire Bloom

Claire Bloom
(as Helena Charles)

Jimmy Porter: Anyone who doesn't like jazz has no real feeling for music, or people.
Helena Charles: Rubbish.

Richard Burton

Richard Burton
(as Jimmy Porter)

Jimmy Porter: Are you a good actress?
Helena Charles: Oh really!
Jimmy Porter: Since we're going to have you for 2 solid weeks I only hope its going to be worthwhile, that it adds to the sum of human happiness.

Richard Burton

Richard Burton
(as Jimmy Porter)

Jimmy Porter: Do you know brother Nigel?
Cliff Lewis: No I don't.
Jimmy Porter: You never heard so many well-bred commonplaces come from beneath the same bowler hat, the platitude from outer space, that's brother Nigel.

Richard Burton

Richard Burton
(as Jimmy Porter)

Jimmy Porter: Going out, on a Sunday evening this time, where have you got to be?
Helena Charles: She's coming with me to church.
Jimmy Porter: You're doing what? When I think of what I did, what I had to endure!

Richard Burton

Richard Burton
(as Jimmy Porter)

Jimmy Porter: Hardly a moment when I'm not watching, wanting you. Nearly 2 years in the same room as you and I still can't stop my sweat breaking out when I see you do something as ordinary as cooking or leaning over the ironing board. Trouble is... you get used to people, even their trivialities become indispensable to you.

Richard Burton

Richard Burton
(as Jimmy Porter)

Jimmy Porter: Have you ever seen anybody die?
Helena Charles: No I haven't.
Jimmy Porter: For 12 months I watched my father die, I was 10. He'd come back from the war in Spain. All my mother could think was that she'd married someone who was always on the wrong side. Perhaps she pitied him but I was the only one who cared.

Mary Ure

Mary Ure
(as Alison Porter)

Jimmy Porter: I didn't know about the baby. I don't exactly relish the idea of pain and suffering but it wasn't my first loss you know.
Alison Porter: It was mine.

Richard Burton

Richard Burton
(as Jimmy Porter)

Jimmy Porter: I learned at an early age what it is to be angry. Angry. Helpless.

Richard Burton

Richard Burton
(as Jimmy Porter)

Jimmy Porter: I must say it's pretty dreary living in the American age, apart from if you're an American of course.

Richard Burton

Richard Burton
(as Jimmy Porter)

Jimmy Porter: I want to be there when your face is rubbed in the mud. There's nothing else I can hope for any more, there's nothing else I want anymore.
Helena Charles: There's a call for you downstairs.
Jimmy Porter: Can't be anything good.

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