Ginger Rogers

Ginger Rogers
(as Sherry Martin)

Bake Baker: As you said -- marriage would have ruined your career.
Sherry Martin: Well, I found out I was wrong.
Bake Baker: Maybe you were right. If you'd have married me, you wouldn't be working in a chop suey joint like this.
Sherry Martin: Well, I don't see any Admiral stripes on you!

Randolph Scott

Randolph Scott
(as Bilge Smith)

Bake Baker: I asked that little girl to marry me.
Bilge Smith: What???
Bake Baker: She turned me down.
Bilge Smith: Imagine a guy asking a dame to marry him.

Harriet Hilliard

Harriet Hilliard
(as Connie Martin)

Connie Martin: [singing] Get thee behind me, Satan I want to resist. But the moon is low and I can't say "No". Get thee behind me. Get thee behind me, Satan I mustn't be kissed. But the moon is low and I may let go. Get thee behind me. Someone I'm mad about Is waiting in the night for me. Someone that I mustn't see. Satan, get thee behind me. He promised to wait. But I won't appear and he may come here. Satan, he's at my gate. Get thee behind me. Stay where you are. It's too late..

Harriet Hilliard

Harriet Hilliard
(as Connie Martin)

Connie Martin: [singing] The moon is high, the sky is blue. And here am I, but where are you? A night like this was meant for two. And I am here, but where are you? Have you forgotten the night that we met? With so much to remember how could you forget? The dreams I dream have yet to come true. My dreams and I are here, but where are you?

Ginger Rogers

Ginger Rogers
(as Sherry Martin)

Connie Martin: Hey Sherry, how much does a Chief Petty Officer get?
Sherry Martin: Whatever he told you, just cut it in half.

Ginger Rogers

Ginger Rogers
(as Sherry Martin)

Connie Martin: I don't know why -- I just seem to frighten them [men] away.
Sherry Martin: You look too darned intelligent. You know, it isn't that gentlemen really prefer blondes. It's just that we look dumber.

Ginger Rogers

Ginger Rogers
(as Sherry Martin)

Connie Martin: It used to end up by my saying I'd be a sister to them. Now it begins by their saying they'll be a brother to me.
Sherry Martin: That's the difference between us. I make them say uncle.

Randolph Scott

Randolph Scott
(as Bilge Smith)

Connie Martin: They're pretty aren't they? (as Blige stares at girls walking by) Oh, but I bet you're used to seeing pretty girls all over the world.
Bilge Smith: I never give them a tumble sister. Women don't interest me.

Randolph Scott

Randolph Scott
(as Bilge Smith)

Bilge Smith: Hi ya Baby.
Connie Martin: Hello Sailor.
Bilge Smith: So you know my name.
Connie Martin: Sure. Haven't we met before?
Bilge Smith: Now that's what I should have said.
Connie Martin: No, but -- haven't we?
Bilge Smith: Not a chance! Think I could forget a face like yours?

Randolph Scott

Randolph Scott
(as Bilge Smith)

Bilge Smith: I want something with spangles on it --- like that ex-partner of yours!

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