Cliff Robertson

Cliff Robertson
(as Charly Gordon)

Convention speaker #5: Modern science.
Charly Gordon: Rampant technology, conscience by computer.
Convention speaker #1: Modern art.
Charly Gordon: Dispassionate draftsmen.
Convention speaker #4: Foreign policy.
Charly Gordon: Brave new weapons.
Convention speaker #1: Today's youth.
Charly Gordon: Joyless, guideless.
Convention speaker #6: Today's religion.
Charly Gordon: Preachment by popularity polls.
Convention speaker #3: Standard of living.
Charly Gordon: A TV in every room.
Convention speaker #4: Education.
Charly Gordon: [agitated] A TV in every room.
[more laughter]
Convention speaker #1: The world's future, Mr. Gordon.
Charly Gordon: Brave new hates, brave new bombs, brave new wars.
Convention speaker #7: The coming generation.
Charly Gordon: Test-tube conception, laboratory birth, TV education, brave new dreams, brave new hates, brave new wars; a beautifully purposeless process of society suicide.
Charly Gordon: Any more questions?

Claire Bloom

Claire Bloom
(as Alice Kinian)

[Alice slaps Charly on the face after been hardly kissed by him]
Alice Kinnian: You - you think anyone would ever want you, you stupid moron!
[Charly leaves Alice crying]

