John Wayne

John Wayne
(as Quirt Evans)

Territorial Marshal Wistful McClintock: There's a sight I never thought I'd see: Quirt Evans behind a plow.
Quirt Evans: That pony walks as soft as you do.
Territorial Marshal Wistful McClintock: I taught him. Oh, I figured you'd have heard him... 'cept you were thinkin' too hard.
Quirt Evans: Haven't you got some real important business to attend to... some place else?

Harry Carey

Harry Carey
(as Territorial Marshal Wistful McClintock)

Territorial Marshal Wistful McClintock: When are you and Laredo Stevens going to get around to killing one another?
Quirt Evans: Laredo? Well, we water our horses outa the same trough.
Territorial Marshal Wistful McClintock: Well, I'm sure looking forward to hanging the survivor.

Harry Carey

Harry Carey
(as Territorial Marshal Wistful McClintock)

Territorial Marshal Wistful McClintock: You know, Quirt, I always figured on using a new rope when hangin' you... because I kind of respected ya. You never took the best of things and all your men went down looking at ya.

Lee Dixon

Lee Dixon
(as Randy McCall)

Randy McCall: Ah, you know, Quirt, I hate to shoot people. Remember I shot a wattie once up in Montana. I dreamed about it all the next night. And then, of course, there's always witnesses. And then you got to shoot the witnesses.

John Wayne

John Wayne
(as Quirt Evans)

[after Laredo visits the ranch and pays Quirt for the land, Quirt prepares to leave and puts some of the money in a can for the Worths]
Mrs. Worth: Oh no, Quirt, no!
Quirt Evans: What kind of a boarder do you think I am?
Thomas Worth: You can't do that. We'd tend to any wounded human... and not for pay.
Quirt Evans: You don't believe in force - so you can't force me to take it back.
Mrs. Worth: I'm afraid you're outwitted, Thomas.
Quirt Evans: How long have I been here?
Quirt Evans: Almost three weeks.
Quirt Evans: Kinda hate to get goin'.
Mrs. Worth: Oh, but you can't... your leg... you're in no condition to travel.
Quirt Evans: Don't worry. Your cooking's got me grained up and ready for market. Adios amigos.

Harry Carey

Harry Carey
(as Territorial Marshal Wistful McClintock)

[after questioning Quirt about the cattle stampede near Casa Verdes, Marshal McClintock calls to his horse]
Territorial Marshal Wistful McClintock: C'mere, Jughead, you dollar-and-a-half brush-jumper!
[he mounts]
Territorial Marshal Wistful McClintock: Well, I guess I missed you again, Quirt. But I'm patient. That's what hangs all you fellas in the end - I'm patient.

John Wayne

John Wayne
(as Quirt Evans)

[at the First Day meeting, Nelson is talking with Penny; Quirt pulls him aside]
Quirt Evans: This'll sound like I'm buttin' into your business - and I am! And you oughta give me a watch with a gold case for doin' it. You dim-witted nail-bender, marry that girl!
Nelson: Marry her? Why I assure you my intentions... well she knows how I feel.
Quirt Evans: How would she know? Stop yammerin' about shooin' horses - that's no way to talk to a girl. Talk to her about HER. And marry her... and do it quick!

Irene Rich

Irene Rich
(as Mrs. Worth)

[Carson's preparing to leave the Worth farm, with two baskets of food]
Frederick Carson: I just get a gnawin' hankerin' after good pies and truck like that.
Mrs. Worth: Oh, Freddy Carson!
Mrs. Worth: Yes'm.
Mrs. Worth: I want you to have some of these.
[puts some rolls in one of the baskets]
Mrs. Worth: They're awful good with coffee in the mornin'.
Frederick Carson: Makes me wanna go home and shoot my Chinee cook.
Mrs. Worth: You just come back for more any time you like; there're always plenty.

Irene Rich

Irene Rich
(as Mrs. Worth)

[Dr. Mangrum and Mrs. Worth are discussing the recuperating Quirt Evans]
Dr. Mangrum: Once, when I was studying medicine in Europe, I had a friend - an artist. He drew portraits of people and made them resemble the animals they reminded him of. He'd have drawn this man as a coiled cobra.
Mrs. Worth: Ho ho ho, Doctor, you're analogy is terribly imperfect and your naturalism faulty. Cobras don't coil.

Tom Powers

Tom Powers
(as Dr. Mangram)

[Dr. Mangrum has been tending to Penny after the accident with the wagon; he takes a bottle from his buggy, drinks, and offers the bottle to Quirt]
Dr. Mangrum: Drink?
[no response from Quirt]
Dr. Mangrum: It's amazing the varied uses to which men put alcohol. To each different individual it's either a stimulant, a depressant or an anodine. Just now I'm using it as an anodine.
Quirt Evans: Get to the point.
Dr. Mangrum: The practice of medicine is one of the most infuriating professions known to man. It takes thirty years of experience to teach you that - in the final analysis - there's nothing to do but stand and watch.

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