Tom Powers

Tom Powers
(as Dr. Mangram)

Dr. Mangrum: But of course if you're determined to watch over him, Penny, perhaps you'd better take a pencil and paper with you. His first conscious words should be recorded. They may be of great interest to history... or more possibly to the United States Marshal! Who knows what violence is involved with his battered frame and his bullet holes.

Tom Powers

Tom Powers
(as Dr. Mangram)

Dr. Mangrum: If I felt cynical, this would be a good opportunity to observe that we're about to see a perfect example of "an eye for an eye", et cetera. Unfortunately, I can't quote chapter and verse... and I'm too tired to be cynical.

John Wayne

John Wayne
(as Quirt Evans)

Quirt Evans: [reads the plaque on the wall] "Each human being has an integrity that can be hurt only by the act of that same human being and not by the act of another human being."
Quirt Evans: Is that Quaker stuff?
Penelope Worth: Uh huh.
Quirt Evans: You mean nobody can hurt you but yourself?
Penelope Worth: That's a Friend's belief.
Quirt Evans: Well, supposin' someone whacks you over the head with a branding iron? Won't that hurt?
Penelope Worth: Physically, of course. But in reality it would injure only the person doing the act of force of violence. Only the doer can be hurt by a mean or evil act.
Quirt Evans: Are there very many of you Quakers?
Penelope Worth: Very few.
Quirt Evans: I sort of figured that.

John Wayne

John Wayne
(as Quirt Evans)

Quirt Evans: Does a lot of foofarah and nonsense have to go with it? I'm not gonna stand for a lot of dressin' up and jabberin' people lookin' at me just 'cause I'm gettin' married.

Irene Rich

Irene Rich
(as Mrs. Worth)

Quirt Evans: Funny thing about pancakes: I lose my appetite for 'em after the first couple a dozen.
Mrs. Worth: Aw, they weren't very good this morning... too heavy.

John Wayne

John Wayne
(as Quirt Evans)

Quirt Evans: He swung a wide loop in his younger days, I think.
Penelope Worth: A wide loop?
Quirt Evans: He wasn't too careful whose calf he threw his rope at.

John Wayne

John Wayne
(as Quirt Evans)

Quirt Evans: I thought you weren't allowed to work on Sunday.
Penelope Worth: Oh, Quirt, there's nothing we're not allowed to do. It's just that we don't believe in doing what we know is wrong.
Quirt Evans: Well, that makes it pretty much each fella's own guess.
Penelope Worth: But each fella knows inside.
Quirt Evans: Well, there's a lot of gents I wouldn't want to give that much leeway to.

John Wayne

John Wayne
(as Quirt Evans)

Penelope Worth: Quirt, please stay away from Laredo Stevens.
Quirt Evans: He owes me money. And don't worry - I might come out on top.
Penelope Worth: That'd be even worse.
Quirt Evans: Worse! Then it'd be worse if he goes down than if I go down?
Penelope Worth: Of course, don't you see that...
Quirt Evans: Oh, I know, I'd be a guy with a marked soul.
Penelope Worth: Don't make it sound so crude, Quirt. You see why - I couldn't love you.
Quirt Evans: Alright, I won't look up Laredo. It's better this way: every time he opens a door, every time he hears footsteps comin' around a corner... Laredo'll start sweatin', thinkin' it's me. His food won't sit well the rest of his life.
[he sees that she's looking sort of annoyed and amused at his attitude]
Quirt Evans: Well, alright; but if I'm gonna be holy, I gotta get some fun out of it!

Gail Russell

Gail Russell
(as Penelope Worth)

Penelope Worth: Surely you can walk to the barn without that.
Quirt Evans: What?
Penelope Worth: The gun!
Quirt Evans: Oh, well, it balances me. One leg's longer than the other. You know, the weight.
Penelope Worth: Thee are a liar.

John Wayne

John Wayne
(as Quirt Evans)

Territorial Marshal Wistful McClintock: [after Marshal McClintock shoots Laredo and Hondo] Nothin' ever works out right. I had them dead to rights. They'd got the Baker stage - so I figured I'd watch the ruckus. You'd down them and I'd hang you. Sorta killing three 'hawks' with one stone, so to speak. Nothin'... nothin' ever works out right.
[Quirt picks up Penny and then sits in the back of the wagon with her on his lap]
Territorial Marshal Wistful McClintock: Well, I missed you again, Quirt. But I'm patient. It's only a matter of time and I hang you.
Quirt Evans: Not me, Mister. From now on, I'm a farmer.

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