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Caravan (1934)

Cardinal Richelieu

Cardinal Richelieu (1935)

Career Woman

Career Woman (1936)


Carefree (1938)


Carnival (1935)

Carnival Boat

Carnival Boat (1932)

Carnival Day

Carnival Day (1936)

Carnival in Flanders

Carnival in Flanders (1935)


Carolina (1934)

Caryl of the Mountains

Caryl of the Mountains (1936)

The Case Against Mrs. Ames

The Case Against Mrs. Ames (1936)

The Case of Gabriel Perry

The Case of Gabriel Perry (1935)

The Case of the Black Cat

The Case of the Black Cat (1936)

The Case of the Curious Bride

The Case of the Curious Bride (1935)

The Case of the Howling Dog

The Case of the Howling Dog (1934)

The Case of the Lucky Legs

The Case of the Lucky Legs (1935)

The Case Of The Stuttering Pig

The Case Of The Stuttering Pig (1937)

The Case of the Velvet Claws

The Case of the Velvet Claws (1936)


Cash (1933)

Cash and Carry

Cash and Carry (1937)

The Casino Murder Case

The Casino Murder Case (1935)

Cassidy of Bar 20

Cassidy of Bar 20 (1938)

The Cat and the Canary

The Cat and the Canary (1939)

The Cat and the Fiddle

The Cat and the Fiddle (1934)

The Cat Creeps

The Cat Creeps (1930)