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The Fighting Gringo

The Fighting Gringo (1917)

A Film Johnnie

A Film Johnnie (1914)

The Final Impulse

The Final Impulse (1914)

The Fireman

The Fireman (1916)

Fireman Save My Child

Fireman Save My Child (1918)

Fires of Rebellion

Fires of Rebellion (1917)

First Dog

First Dog (2010)

The First Men in the Moon

The First Men in the Moon (1919)

The Fisher-Maid

The Fisher-Maid (1911)

The Fishing Bell

The Fishing Bell (1917)

The Flashlight

The Flashlight (1917)

Flips and Flops

Flips and Flops (1919)

The Flirt

The Flirt (1917)

The Flirt and the Bandit

The Flirt and the Bandit (1913)

A Flirt's Mistake

A Flirt's Mistake (1914)

The Flirting Husband

The Flirting Husband (1912)

The Floor Below

The Floor Below (1918)

The Floorwalker

The Floorwalker (1916)

The Fly Cop

The Fly Cop (1917)

Follow the Crowd

Follow the Crowd (1918)

The Folly of Anne

The Folly of Anne (1914)

A Fool There Was

A Fool There Was (1914)

Footprints of Mozart

Footprints of Mozart (1914)

A Foozle at the Tee Party

A Foozle at the Tee Party (1915)

For the Crown

For the Crown (1913)