Charles Waldron

Charles Waldron
(as Padre Rafael)

Padre Rafael: As soon as the American troops are gone, the Moros will come down from the hills. They will kill all the men and carry away all the women and children into slavery. For you it will be a report written in ink, but for my people, it will be a report written in blood.

Gary Cooper

Gary Cooper
(as Dr. Bill Canavan)

Dr. Bill Canavan: [referring to a sick McCool] The germ hasn't been found that can stop him.

Gary Cooper

Gary Cooper
(as Dr. Bill Canavan)

Dr. Bill Canavan: [Referring to the many soldiers in sick bay] The Moro that struck Captain Manning down struck them down too, but not with a bolo. They're down with a disease medicine can't cure.
Capt. Steve Hartley: They'll be all right when they learn how to use a gun, when they're properly drilled!
Dr. Bill Canavan: The trouble is that you're trying to drill things into them when you should be drilling things out of them. What good's a gun when your finger's so paralyzed with fright that you can't pull a trigger?

Gary Cooper

Gary Cooper
(as Dr. Bill Canavan)

Dr. Bill Canavan: [to Captain Hartley, who is going blind] Fact is you're afraid to live. That's much worse than being afraid to die!

Charles Waldron

Charles Waldron
(as Padre Rafael)

Dr. Bill Canavan: I thought I missed when I shot at that juramentado, but I guess I didn't.
[He throws five bullets he romoved from the body on the table]
Dr. Bill Canavan: He had enough lead in him to sink a battleship!
Capt. George Manning: Doctor, a juramentado is like a horse. The only place to stop him is right here.
[He gestures to his head]
Capt. George Manning: Only you feel sorry for the horse.
Dr. Bill Canavan: I've heard of these fanatics that go beserk, but I never saw one before. I wonder what kept the bugger going with all those slugs in him. Must be some drug.
Padre Rafael: The drug that keeps them going is what keeps most of us going - faith - good or bad! The juramentado believes that when he kills an infidel, it is a passport to Heaven.