Marie Windsor

Marie Windsor
(as Mrs. Frankie Neal)

Walter Brown: Sister, I've known some pretty hard cases in my time; you make 'em all look like putty. You're not talking about a sack of gumdrops that's gonna be smashed - you're talking about a dame's life! You may think it's a funny idea for a woman with a kid to stop a bullet for you, only I'm not laughing!
Mrs. Neall: Where do you get off, being so superior? Why shouldn't I take advantage of her - I want to live! If you had to step on someone to get something you wanted real bad, would you think twice about it?
Walter Brown: Shut up!
Mrs. Neall: In a pig's eye you would! You're no different from me.
Walter Brown: Shut up!
Mrs. Neall: Not till I tell you something, you cheap badge-pusher! When we started on this safari, you made it plenty clear I was just a job, and no joy in it, remember?
Walter Brown: Yeah, and it still goes, double!
Mrs. Neall: Okay, keep it that way. I don't care whether you dreamed up this gag or not; you're going right along with it, so don't go soft on me. And once you handed out a line about poor Forbes getting killed, 'cause it was his duty. Well, it's your duty too! Even if this dame gets murdered.
Walter Brown: You make me sick to my stomach.
Mrs. Neall: Well, use your own sink. And let me know when the target practice starts!

Marie Windsor

Marie Windsor
(as Mrs. Frankie Neal)

Walter Brown: So far they haven't spotted you, and they don't know what you look like. But they've seen me. If they start shooting in my direction, I don't want you hit.
Mrs. Neall: You're sure it isn't the other way around?

Charles McGraw

Charles McGraw
(as Det. Sgt. Walter Brown)

Walter Brown: What kind of a dame would marry a hood?
Det. Sgt. Gus Forbes: All kinds.

Marie Windsor

Marie Windsor
(as Mrs. Frankie Neal)

Mrs. Neall: opening her compartment door in the morning and seeing Brown strap on his gun "What're you gonna do, go out and shoot us some breakfast?"

Marie Windsor

Marie Windsor
(as Mrs. Frankie Neal)

Mrs. Neall: That hood wasn't looking at her big blue eyes. He thinks that's me, and I think that's dandy.

Peter Brocco

Peter Brocco
(as Vincent Yost)

Vincent Yost: We're ready to make a deal. You have her, we want her, how much? It's as simple as that.
Walter Brown: You're under arrest.
Vincent Yost: For what?
Walter Brown: Attempted bribery.
Vincent Yost: Bribery? Heh - you'd never make it stick. I'm a sales executive for the Midwest Equipment Company, Chicago. I've never even gotten as much as a parking ticket.