Béla Lugosi

Béla Lugosi

Roy Heath: Goodnight, Dr. Carruthers!
Dr. Paul Carruthers: Gooooodbye, Roy.

Béla Lugosi

Béla Lugosi

Dr. Paul Carruthers: Now, rub it on the tender part of your neck.

Béla Lugosi

Béla Lugosi

Tommy: [trying the lotion] That feels great... very soothing.
Dr. Paul Carruthers: I don't think you'll ever use anything else.

Béla Lugosi

Béla Lugosi

Henry Morton: You're a dreamer, Doc. Too much money is bad for dreamers.
Dr. Paul Carruthers: So you tried to pay me in flattery, telling me that I'm a dreamer. Well... I *do* dream - dreams that you would *never* guess.

Béla Lugosi

Béla Lugosi

[after listening to a scientist's theory on the radio]
Dr. Paul Carruthers: [thick Hungarian accent] Imbecile! Bombastic ignoramus!
