Cesar Romero

Cesar Romero
(as Customs Inspector)

Customs Inspector: [finding a jar of coffee in Klemper's bag] You're bringing instant coffee to Brazil? I won't dignify this by confiscating it!
[makes Klemper open the jar and empty it into the trash]

Cesar Romero

Cesar Romero
(as Customs Inspector)

Customs Inspector: [glances into Caesar's bag full of money, smiles] Welcome to Brazil, senhor!

Maggie Smith

Maggie Smith
(as Patty Terwilliger Smith)

Patty: A woman's place is in the home... making money!

Peter Ustinov

Peter Ustinov
(as Marcus Pendleton / Caesar Smith)

Marcus Pendleton: 'Ere! You watch your tongue! Any idiot can steal. *I* been em-*bezz*-lin'!

Peter Ustinov

Peter Ustinov
(as Marcus Pendleton / Caesar Smith)

Marcus Pendleton: Patty asks Marcus what are assets. Marcus replies "Little female donkeys" with a cackle.
