Michael Caine

Michael Caine

Col.Ross: Of course you realize I could draft you back any time I like, but I'm doing the decent thing and asking you to come back, you should be bloody gratefull.
Harry Palmer: I'd be bloody grateful if you'd leave, Colonel.

Michael Caine

Michael Caine

Col.Ross: Your business is dead, Palmer. You're just about keeping alive on cornflakes.
Harry Palmer: The're full of vitamins.
Col.Ross: Really?
Harry Palmer: Yeah.

Michael Caine

Michael Caine

Col.Stok: I suppose a young man like you wouldn't know the pleasure of removing a tight collar.
Harry Palmer: I thought Lenin called such comforts 'momentary interest'.
Col.Stok: Don't tell me what Lenin said. I touched Lenin. I stood by him in Ruzheinaya Square in July, nineteen hundred and twenty; the second congress. I touched him. Those are the words he used to describe the comforts and pleasures with which the proletariat are diverted from their more important historic mission. But I am not being diverted. Well, are you going to offer me another drink?
Harry Palmer: In England Colonel, the historic mission of the proletariat consists almost entirely of momentary interest.

Michael Caine

Michael Caine

General Midwinter: Did you know for example, that the air in the East Coast of America is polluted by the reds? Oh, you might look at me, but boy, I tell you and I know that the air in Texas is the only truly wholesome air in this world. That is why I have not been out of Texas in twenty five years. I don't like the air in other places.
Harry Palmer: It's amazing how we all survive, really.

Michael Caine

Michael Caine

General Midwinter: You have disappointed me Harry, you have let me down. You've sold out!
Harry Palmer: What have I done?
General Midwinter: These photographs show what you have done!
Harry Palmer: I think you're making a big mistake, General.
General Midwinter: You are the one who's made a mistake, boy!
Harry Palmer: What's going on?
General Midwinter: I am not going to rest until every communist, and everyone who works for the communists, is six feet under ground. Go down and join you're communist friend.
Harry Palmer: You, General Midwinter, are the biggest idiot I have ever met.

Michael Caine

Michael Caine

Harry Palmer: Dr. Kaarna, I presume?

Michael Caine

Michael Caine

Harry Palmer: I suppose I ought to wish you good luck.
Dr. Eiwort: You may do as you please. For me this is not a game of chance. And I am not in it for the money.
Harry Palmer: What is it then, your hobby?

Michael Caine

Michael Caine

Harry Palmer: OK, Leo, what's the catch?
Leo Newbigen: There's no catch.
Harry Palmer: Then who gets killed?
Leo Newbigen: Nobody gets killed.
Harry Palmer: There's no catch, and nobody gets killed? I'd still like to know more about it, Leo.

Michael Caine

Michael Caine

Harry Palmer: Some games are more dangerous than others.

Karl Malden

Karl Malden

Harry Palmer: What exactly have you been saying we do in Latvia?
Leo Newbigen: I told the brain exactly what it wanted to hear.
Harry Palmer: Oh, yes? What would that be, Leo?
Leo Newbigen: I told it we had three hundred agents in Latvia dismantling missile sites and professional saboteurs ready for armed insurrection.
Harry Palmer: Er, or political assassination.
Leo Newbigen: Um, hmn. Mass uprisings...
Harry Palmer: Over throwing governments.
Leo Newbigen: Yeah, over throwing anything at all.
Harry Palmer: Three hundred agents? How much a week?
Leo Newbigen: Thirty thousand dollars.
Harry Palmer: Thirty thousand dollars a week?
Leo Newbegin: Plus expenses and from now on, you're in on half.
Harry Palmer: Oh, thank you, Leo. But I would like to stay alive to spend it. That lunatic is about to invade Soviet territory.
Leo Newbigen: And we're not going to be around when he does.
Harry Palmer: When he gets within five miles of the Latvian border, every alarm in the whole world will blow and four minutes later, nobody is going to be around.
Leo Newbigen: You want your money, don't you?

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