Ocean's Eleven

Ocean's Eleven

Danny Ocean: I got great news for you.
Beatrice Ocean: Auburn beat Alabama by 12 points.

--Angie Dickinson (as Beatrice Ocean) in Ocean's Eleven

Ocean's Eleven

Ocean's Eleven

Danny Ocean: I've got great news for you.
Beatrice Ocean: Auburn beat Alabama by twelve points.

--Angie Dickinson (as Beatrice Ocean) in Ocean's Eleven

Man with the Gun

Man with the Gun

Nelly Bain: You're going to do Mable's song tonight. She's nursing a sore throat.
Ann Wakefield: But I haven't got any voice and that's the worst kind!
Nelly Bain: They aren't paying for your pear-shaped tones at the Palace, dear.
Kitty: Nelly means, "Who listens."

--Angie Dickinson (as Kitty) in Man with the Gun

Ocean's Eleven

Ocean's Eleven

Beatrice Ocean: [to Danny Oceans] Oh, Danny. What a prize you are. The only husband in the world who'd proposition his own wife.

--Angie Dickinson (as Beatrice Ocean) in Ocean's Eleven

Ocean's Eleven

Ocean's Eleven

Beatrice Ocean: [to Sam Harmon] I'll consider mistress, plaything, toy for a night, but I refuse to be your mother. That's out!

--Angie Dickinson (as Beatrice Ocean) in Ocean's Eleven

Ocean's Eleven

Ocean's Eleven

Beatrice Ocean: There's only one thing you love, Danny: that's danger. Cliffhanging. You could never love a woman like you love danger.

--Angie Dickinson (as Beatrice Ocean) in Ocean's Eleven

Cast a Giant Shadow

Cast a Giant Shadow

Emma Marcus: I guess I'm proud of you. But I'm so damn tired of being proud of you.

--Angie Dickinson (as Emma Marcus) in Cast a Giant Shadow

Cast a Giant Shadow

Cast a Giant Shadow

Emma Marcus: I was the only girl in Brooklyn who didn't get pregnant during the war.
Col. David 'Mickey' Marcus: Hm?
Emma Marcus: My mother kept the statistics.

--Angie Dickinson (as Emma Marcus) in Cast a Giant Shadow

Rio Bravo

Rio Bravo

Feathers: Hey, sheriff, you forgot your pants.

--Angie Dickinson (as Feathers) in Rio Bravo



Jessica: You think that they're right to do a thing like this to me?

--Angie Dickinson (as Jessica) in Jessica

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