
From July 01, 2018 <m>(Sunday)
To August 31, 2018 <m>(Friday)

Event Details

Announcing #CleanMovieMonth!

PEPS is officially announcing that July is #CleanMovieMonth! Many months are dedicated to celebrating history or bringing awareness. #CleanMovieMonth is dedicated to both. It's a month-long celebration of Code films, specifically cinema sealed during the Breen era (1934-1954). Frequent PEPS readers know that PEPS is always dedicated to Breen era films. However, during #CleanMovieMonth, we are inviting you to join the celebration, too!

Why is July #CleanMovieMonth?

 The idea of the Motion Picture Production Code was first announced by Martin J. Quigley at a meeting in Chicago in July of 1929, so the Code was really born in July. On July 15, 1934, the Code began to be enforced as the Production Code Administration, with Joseph I. Breen as its leader, was formed. Thus, July is dedicated to celebrating Code films and clean cinema!

How do I participate?

Watch only American films released between July 15, 1934, and October 14, 1954. This is the greater Breen era, and it is the era of the Code's best enforcement. It can be hard to determine the cut-off line in 1954, so any movie from 1954 is acceptable. Pre-Code films from 1934 are easily distinguished by the lack of an MPPDA Certificate No. in the credits. The first Code film was The World Moves On.

The purpose of this is to really study these movies, how they are related to the Code, and how they differ from movies from other times. You can read the complete Code and its revisions here. If you have a blog, you can write articles during the month to document your thoughts on and reactions to the movies you are watching. Use the hashtag #CleanMovieMonth to share your thoughts on the films you are watching on social media. You can have a weekly roundup to discuss your reactions to the experiment, or you can wait until the end of the month and write one article about your findings.

Do I have to just watch Code films during July?

The purpose of the experiment is to immerse yourself in the Code era and its films. For anyone who enjoys classic films, it shouldn't be too much of a chore, since those twenty years are considered part of Hollywood's Golden Era. This is a good opportunity to re-watch your old favorites and discover some new classics! If you have to watch a non-Code film, such as for a blogathon, that's fine. You can watch a few films out of the Breen era, but try to keep them to a minimum. This exercise can make you really appreciate how wonderful decent movies were.

What if I can't start at the beginning of July?

That's fine. If, for instance, you don't hear about this celebration until part-way through July, you can still join and enjoy watching exclusively Code films for the rest of the month. Even just a week of only Code film is a good experiment!

How else can I support #CleanMovieMonth?

Share this article on your website and on social media! Use #CleanMovieMovement on social media. Post the banner on your website to spread the word. In addition, wear or display the colors light blue and yellow. These are the colors of the Clean Movie Movement, which encompasses PEPS, the L. A. Soprani Sisters, our singing duo, and the Legion of Scriveners for Reform, a new endeavor which we are going to launch in July. These colors represent the morning sun, since the Clean Movie Movement's motto is, "The Code can make the sun rise on a new day of pure entertainment!" In addition, if you live in Southern California, you can buy tickets to our premiere concert, The Story of the Code Through Classical Song at Hollywood and Western! It's a concert of twenty-one classical songs which tell the story of the Code's history in Old Hollywood, taking place July 15 at 3 PM at 5504 Hollywood Boulevard. If you can't attend, you can share the event!

What do I do first?

  1. Leave a comment saying you want to participate.
  2. If you have a blog, republish this article on it.
  3. Share this article on social media.
  4. Use the banner and #CleanMovieMonth to spread the word.
  5. Start watching Code films!
  6. Notice the way movies relate to the Code, including the compliances and the violations.
  7. Write articles or social media posts about the movies you are watching and your thoughts on them.
  8. Write a conclusive article in the beginning of August about your discoveries from the experiment.
  9. Be sure to link to this article and send me the links to your articles, which I will republish here!
  10. Keep checking back here to see the announcement of August's special month, #AMonthWithoutTheCode. It will be the opposite of July; we won't watch any Code movies to see what life is like without them, in contrast to #CleanMovieMonth!

Join #CleanMovieMonth Today! 

Follow us to bring back the Code and save the arts in America!

We are lifting our voices in classical song to help the sun rise on a new day of pure entertainment!

Buy tickets to our upcoming event, The Story of the Code Through Classical Song at Hollywood and Western!

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