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I Love Lupe: Warner Archive Re-ignites the “Mexican Spitfire”

Cinematically Insane Posted by Will McKinley on Aug 26, 2012

Trivia question: what was the first comedy series to feature a hot-tempered, Latin-born musical performer who mangled the English language and launched into paroxysms of invective en Espanol when angered by a Caucasian spouse? If you said I Love Lucy, you’d be wrong. The correct answer is Mexi read more

Lupe Valez: “The Mexican Spitfire”

Classic Cinema Gold Posted by Art on Jul 20, 2011

“The first time you buy a house you think how pretty it is and sign the check. The second time you look to see if the basement has termites. It’s the same with men.” ~ Lupe Velez . Lupe Velez was a Mexican film actress who had a very successful career in early Hollywood. She w read more
