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Hey There, Birthday Girl!

Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 4, 2014

The indefatigable (and indefatigably glamourous) Miss Mitzi Gaynor turns an ever-youthful 83 today, and we can all thank our lucky stars that still she's with us. I was first introduced to this hectic rendition of a familiar favorite by (to no one's surprise) our dear Thombeau over at the Redundant read more

Hey There, Birthday Girl!

Café Muscato Posted by Muscato on Sep 4, 2014

The indefatigable (and indefatigably glamourous) Miss Mitzi Gaynor turns an ever-youthful 83 today, and we can all thank our lucky stars that still she's with us. I was first introduced to this hectic rendition of a familiar favorite by (to no one's surprise) our dear Thombeau over at the Redundant read more

Hey there, hi there, ho there, you’re as welcome as can be! (1)

True Classics Posted by Brandie on May 6, 2012

I am beyond pleased to announce that we have a new member of the True Classics crew! Sarah is a dear friend and fellow classic film fanatic, and I am happy to welcome her aboard! You can find out more about her and her favorite films on her personal profile page. And look for her first post soon! We read more
