Captain Adam Jones:
Look, uh, look before we go any further... exactly what country do you men represent?
Prof. Montel: We represent many countries... as private individuals. We are scientists, former statesmen, businessmen. All volunteers. Acting independently for a common cause. Against a common enemy.
--Victor Francen (as Prof. Montel) in Hell and High Water
Prof. Montel: We represent many countries... as private individuals. We are scientists, former statesmen, businessmen. All volunteers. Acting independently for a common cause. Against a common enemy.
--Victor Francen (as Prof. Montel) in Hell and High Water
Prof. Montel:
Each man has his own reasons for living, Mr. Jones, and his own price for dying.
--Victor Francen (as Prof. Montel) in Hell and High Water
--Victor Francen (as Prof. Montel) in Hell and High Water