Tom thumb Overview:

Tom thumb (1958) was a Family - Fantasy Film directed by George Pal and produced by George Pal.

BlogHub Articles:

Musical Monday: Tom Thumb (1958)

on Dec 18, 2023 From Comet Over Hollywood

It?s no secret that the Hollywood Comet loves musicals. In 2010, I revealed I had seen 400 movie musicals over the course of eight years. Now that number is over 600. To celebrate and share this musical love, here is my weekly feature about musicals. This week?s musical: Tom Thumb (1958) ? Musical #... Read full article

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Quotes from

Ivan: There are two crooks here - and both of them are you!

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Facts about

George Pal forgot to cast The Whipping Man and didn't realize his mistake until it was too late. Peter Sellers stepped in at the last minute and played the role, masked.
The head of MGM's British operations was so impressed that George Pal brought this film in under budget that he suggested that Pal submit a script for his favorite unproduced project. Pal chose The Time Machine
Producer/director George Pal was good friends with animator Walter Lantz and would usually insert a Lantz reference in his films as an homage. In this film during the "Tom Thumb's Tune" sequence, when Tom is dancing past the rows of toys, you can hear Woody Woodpecker's laugh.
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Also directed by George Pal

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Also produced by George Pal

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Also released in 1958

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