The Bat Whispers Overview:

The Bat Whispers (1930) was a Crime - Thriller/Suspense Film directed by Roland West .

BlogHub Articles:


By Dan Day, Jr. on Sep 22, 2024 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

Director Roland West's THE BAT WHISPERS is a 1930 sound remake of his silent 1926 film THE BAT, based on the popular play by Mary Roberts Rinehart and Avery Hopwood. THE BAT was one of the main progenitors of the "Old Dark House" mystery thriller story that had a major impact on American popular cul... Read full article

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Quotes from

Brook: He's coming! The Bat is coming down the stairs!

The Caretaker: I don't like that doctor. One look at him would cure anybody!

Cornelia van Gorder: Who did that?
The Caretaker: I don't know... this house gets on my nerves, they won't let me sleep.
Lizzie Allen: Don't trust him, caretaker means servant... Bat!
Cornelia van Gorder: Who won't let you sleep?
The Caretaker: The ghosts... he slams doors, and there's no one there to slam them... he opens windows, and I can't see nothing... he rolls things down the stairs, and there's no one there to make them roll... that ain't all, he whispers to me, from behind the wall.
[a loud scream is heard]
The Caretaker: Listen, he's here again... stay here long enough, you'll see.
Lizzie Allen: Let's go back to the city.

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Facts about

The special effects were shot in 35mm. Process photography techniques, not optical printing, was used to make the 65mm negatives of this footage.
Alledgedly the movie that inspired Bob Kane to create Batman.
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Also released in 1930

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