South Sea Woman Overview:

South Sea Woman (1953) was a Action - Adventure Film directed by Arthur Lubin and produced by Samuel Bischoff.

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Quotes from

Col. Hickman: You are aware that you face a possible sentence of death, not to mention a total imprisonment of...
[he checks some papers]
Col. Hickman: ... 143 years?
Master Gunnery Sgt. James O'Hearn: The last 100 won't hurt, sir.

Master Gunnery Sgt. James O'Hearn: [opening up Ginger's coat and seeing her shapely figure and scanty costume] Hey, that's nice candy!
Pvt. Davey White: Don't let him bother you, baby. He just wishes he met you first.
Master Gunnery Sgt. James O'Hearn: [ogling her] You're so right! I could go for her on a rainy afternoon.
Ginger Martin: [to Davey] It couldn't rain hard enough for me to go for him!

Pvt. Davey White: Just like that Shakespeare said - there's nothing like a quivering arrow from Cupid's bow!

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Facts about

Began shooting in January 1953.
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Also directed by Arthur Lubin

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Also produced by Samuel Bischoff

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Also released in 1953

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