Rhubarb Overview:

Rhubarb (1951) was a Comedy - Family Film directed by Arthur Lubin and produced by George Seaton and William Perlberg.

BlogHub Articles:

Ma and Pa Kettle Plus Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

By Amanda Garrett on May 21, 2016 From Old Hollywood Films

Today, I'm pairing a classic movie with a delicious dessert for the Classic Movie Ice Cream Social blogathon hosted by Movies Silently. My selections are the always endearing Pa and Ma Kettle, as portrayed by Percy Kilbride and Marjorie Main, and a delicious strawberry-rhubarb pie that is easy to... Read full article

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Quotes from

Eric Yeager: [to Rhubarb] Now listen ya lug, you're in the chips now, the blue chips. So stop acting like a goon squad. This is an okay dame. She doesn't want a nickel of your dough.
[to Polly]
Eric Yeager: stroke him very gently on his head.
Polly Sickles: Why, he doesn't even hiss.
Eric Yeager: You're now a member of the club.

Ball Player: A Rhubarb. It's a donnybrook... a dust-up...
Eric Yeager: [takes phone] Lady, you know what happens at a sale, when two women get hold of the same dress? THAT's a Rhubarb!
[slams phone down]

Eric Yeager: How about some bait?
owner of the pet shop: I'm sorry sir, we have no meat department.
Eric Yeager: Meat? Golf balls is this cat's meat.

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Facts about

At the end of the movie Paul Douglas has a cameo appearance with the line: "A litter from three wives.." In reference to the movie A Letter to Three Wives.
Fourteen different cats portrayed Rhubarb at different points in the film. Each cat was trained to do a different trick. Three of the most identical cats appeared in the courtroom scene where Polly Sickles has to choose which one is the real Rhubarb.
At the theatrical opening of this film, kids were handed (for free) an "autographed" picture of Rhubarb. The signature on the photo was a paw print.
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