Paint Your Wagon Overview:

Paint Your Wagon (1969) was a Comedy - Musical Film directed by Joshua Logan and produced by Alan Jay Lerner.

Academy Awards 1969 --- Ceremony Number 42 (source: AMPAS)

Best Music - ScoringAdaptation score by Nelson RiddleNominated

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Quotes from

Horace Tabor: Is it your proposal, Mr. Rumson, that we knock out the stage driver, steal a coach, and kidnap six women?
Ben Rumson: Sounds better every time I hear it.

Parson: [when some travelers have been newly rescued from hunger and cold] Rumson, I am entering your house to pray for the unfortunate victims.
Ben Rumson: Not tonight Parson, these folks have suffered enough. Now why don't you do that outside where God can hear you better, 'cause I'll be talking in here.

Ben Rumson: Now, don't tell me you've never been with a woman.
Horton: No, sir I haven't.
Ben Rumson: Well, that, that's terrible! Did you know you could go blind?

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Facts about

Paramount advertised for extras, and Portland's hippie population turned out, complete with long hair, mustaches and beards, period clothing, and camping gear. The local rednecks were infuriated that 'dirty hippies' got the plum jobs...until they began buying groceries, beer, and antiques in town.
Only one number is sung by a trained singer - "They Call the Wind Maria" by Harve Presnell. (The word "Maria", spelled Maria without the H, is sung/pronounced as "Mariah".)
This film version bears little resemblance to the Broadway musical on which it is ostensibly based. After the success of several musical films in the 1960s, most notably The Sound of Music, producers went looking for other projects to make, and "Paint Your Wagon" made the list. The original plot, about an inter-ethnic love story, was discarded as being too dated. The only elements retained from the original were the title, Gold Rush setting and about half of the songs. In the play, Elizabeth has a very minor role, Pardner does not even appear, and Ben Rumson dies at the end.
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