Nocturne Overview:

Nocturne (1946) was a Crime - Film Noir Film directed by Edwin L. Marin and produced by Jack J. Gross and Joan Harrison.

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Police Lt. Joe Warne: How do you know I'm not a detective?
Miss Madison, the dance instructor: Don't be silly! Who ever heard of a detective with his hat off!

Police Lt. Joe Warne: I like that alibi. It's round, it's firm, it's fully packed. Only I don't buy it.

Pat: [trying to push through the apartment door] Well, baby, it's been a nice evening.
Frances Ransom: [holding him back] Why not let it stay that way? Good night!
Police Lt. Joe Warne: [waiting inside apartment] That's as good a block as I ever saw. Ever thought of trying out for the Green Bay Packers?

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Also directed by Edwin L. Marin

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Also produced by Jack J. Gross

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Also released in 1946

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