My Name is Julia Ross Overview:

My Name is Julia Ross (1945) was a Drama - Film Noir Film directed by Joseph H. Lewis and produced by Wallace MacDonald.

BlogHub Articles:

Classic Films in Focus: MY NAME IS JULIA ROSS (1945)

By Jennifer Garlen on Feb 8, 2024 From Virtual Virago

Director Joseph H. Lewis is best remembered today for his influential noir classic, Gun Crazy (1950), but he also brings great tension to My Name is Julia Ross (1945), an atmospheric thriller from Columbia Pictures that stars Nina Foch as the titular heroine. Despite its modern day setting, Julia's ... Read full article

My Name Is Julia Ross

By Rick29 on Apr 18, 2022 From Classic Film & TV Cafe

Nina Foch as Julia Ross. After reviewing Gun Crazy, the Cafe's staff decided to seek out more of director Joseph H. Lewis' work. That led us to My Name Is Julia Ross, a 1945 "B" picture with an intriguing premise that sadly fell short of our expectations. It gets off to a very promising start whe... Read full article

Day 17 of Noirvember: Ralph Hughes in My Name is Julia Ross (1945)

By shadowsandsatin on Nov 17, 2021 From Shadows and Satin

Today?s Noirvember post shines the spotlight on a seriously scary dude: Ralph Hughes in My Name is Julia Ross (1945). WHAT?S MY NAME IS JULIA ROSS ABOUT? Julia Ross (Nina Foch) is an unemployed Londoner who is hired as the live-in secretary to a wealthy widow, Mrs. Hughes (Dame May Whitty). But afte... Read full article

Tr?gico ?libi (1945) / My Name is Julia Ross (1945)

By L? on Mar 30, 2019 From Critica Retro

Tr?gico ?libi (1945) / My Name is Julia Ross (1945) Alguns filmes simplesmente nos arrebatam quando estamos desprevenidos e nos deixam sem f?lego – n?o importa qu?o antigos ou curtos eles s?o. “Tr?gico ?libi” (1945) fez isto comigo. Ao me colocar no lugar da protagonista, e... Read full article

My Name is Julia Ross ( 1945 )

By The Metzinger Sisters on Aug 11, 2016 From Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers

Quiggy, of The Midnite Drive-In, is hosting The Film Noir Blogathon this week, celebrating those atmospheric black and white thrillers commonly known as "noirs". Noirs have long been a favorite genre of classic film fans, most likely because it was a style of filming that is no longer seen in film... Read full article

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Quotes from

Ralph Hughes: It's all Marion's fault. She shouldn't have cried.
Mrs. Hughes: Ralph, you never told me - was it an accident, or did you intend to kill her after she made her will?
Ralph Hughes: I didn't plan it. I liked her well enough, but when she found out I'd been lying about my income, she accused me of marrying her for her money. I said of course that was what I'd married her for. Then she cried. She was always crying. Then she slapped me. I had my knife in my hand, and I...
[He begins slashing at the sofa cushion with his knife, slicing it over and over]
Mrs. Hughes: Stop it, stop it!
Ralph Hughes: Don't do that!
Mrs. Hughes: Put that away! Ralph, I'm trying to help you.
Ralph Hughes: I still say we should have called the police and told them a prowler broke in and killed her.
Mrs. Hughes: With the marks of your fingers on her? The scratches on your face?

Ralph Hughes: Why try to save her? Let her die. That's what we want.
Mrs. Hughes: Don't be stupid, Ralph. If she's taken poison, we must act as though we cared!

Ralph Hughes: Well, she saved us a lot of trouble.
Mrs. Hughes: Now that it's happened, I'm frightened.
Ralph Hughes: We haven't a thing to fear. We'll be telling the truth when we say it's suicide.
Mrs. Hughes: Yes.
Ralph Hughes: Who's the weak one now?

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Facts about

In a 1988 interview about this movie, Nina Foch said the idea that Dame May Whitty had George Macready as a son was "hysterically funny in a bizarre sort of way."
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Also directed by Joseph H. Lewis

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Also released in 1945

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