Julius Caesar Overview:

Julius Caesar (1950) was a Drama - Historical Film directed by David Bradley and produced by David Bradley.

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The orchestra which performed the score consisted of nine brass instruments plus timpani, and was recorded in an abandoned indoor swimming pool to create echo and a large sound.
Due to budget restraints, only one horse could be hired per day, hence a different colored horse was filmed each day, with footage cleverly montaged and edited to create the battle scenes.
Musical director Grant Fletcher hired Chuck Zornig 72 hours before the recording date, handing him a two-bar harmonic sketch by 'John Becker' (II) and a shot list to work from. From this, Zornig produced a 32-page score, still copying parts for musicians as they arrived to record the score. Becker approached Zornig and asked him how he could read his two-bar sketch. Zornig replied, "When I couldn't I just chose the most dissonant sounds," causing Becker to roar with laughter.
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Also released in 1950

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